Oh geez, I'm so sorry guys. I haven't posted in months. >.< I got so busy, and never knew what to post in the first place.
So, I had to go through old messages and statuses to remember some of the things that went on this year. I stopped writing in my journal in early February, so I just remembered January through that. Heh. So I've just given an overview of my year, with the highlights of each month.
January Start of my Torchwood/ John Barrowman phase. I had received my portable DVD player last Christmas, so I remember lying in my bed watching Torchwood, eating M’n’Ms from my light bulb. (Not an actual one, but a glass thing in the shape of a lightbulb. I still put sweets in it occasionally) On the 5th, I found my favourite Torchwood episode, entitled, “Captain Jack Harkness.” I don’t remember anything else happening in January.
February Olympics were really fun to watch! Switchfoot came to play at the Blacksheep, but I never made it there, I was sad for a while, I’ve been waiting for a while for the chance to see them. I haven’t yet though, sadly. My friends and I came up with our phrase “You’re a slice of my orange.” On the fifteenth, I had a three way phone call with Lee and Michael. First time I talked on the phone with either one of them. It was fun. :D
March I don’t really remember anything that happened in March. I did watch some fourth doctor Doctor Who.
April TOK Camp was fun. It gave us a glimpse of what would happen in class in the fall, and I really enjoyed it. I went to a Kings show at the loft where I met Theresa. She’s awesome . She, Bryce, Steven and I hung out at Acacia late at night, which was fun. I like downtown at night. I started talking to Jay more. “The Eleventh Hour” aired.
May Finishing up junior year. I don’t think it was too stressful though, so it was all good. I went to Amanda’s grad party as well as bowling for Jay’s party. They were both fun. I stopped liking someone, which was a huge relief.
June Summer. XD I believe I had my minor Skins phase. Jay and I started talking pretty much late every night. He started to grow as an older brother type person to me. Still is. ^_^ June marked the start of my Brothers and Sisters phase. Had a game night with my group, came up with our voodoo neighbor thing.
July Walked around memorial park with Mary one day. Made me realize as much as I love being around my whole group, it’s really nice to have a few hours to focus on just spending time with one of them. Lily’s birthday party, we all went to the zoo. I went to the Renaissance fair with Mary, Lily and Ani. I got my permit. I haven’t driven much since then, though. I think I started to watch Ally McBeal back in July. I also believe that my Glee phase started back in July as well.
August Went to the Kings of the Cardboard Castle concert where they announced their name change. Flies with Buffalo is easier to type/write out. Haha.[Edit]I LOVE YOU JAY! Sorry, guys, but I forgot that this is when his band, The Tuesday played the same show. They were fun. :D[/Edit] Had the house to myself for a week. Slept over at Lily’s on my birthday, then Alyssa’s birthday party the next day. I turned 17. Start of senior year. I remember a day my group ate outside and it was somewhat cloudy, and we discussed what Daleks would taste like. It was fun.
September Homecoming game the 24th, homecoming dance on the 25th. We won the game, but it was a close one. We hadn't won the past two years, and I like to think it was a gift for my senior year. xD I hung out with my group before the dance, getting ready. That was fun, and the Dance was memorable. I’ll always look back on it fondly. I did most of my 30 day challenge, which I didn’t finish, sorry, guys.
October I had a great start to the month, but the month went by really fast. I remember being really excited that October was starting, and then it went by like that and I didn’t want November to start. Palmer-Doherty game. We won 52-0. It was the first time we’ve against Doherty in like 15 years. I think. I’ve heard that we’ve had a losing streak against them from different values for the year. Alana’s dance, which was really fun. Kasey’s birthday party, where we went to Boriellos, and bowling afterward. Watched Demonic toys at her house. Which was just a horrible movie. Ryan and I found out that I’m the physical manifestation of Karma. It’s now a running joke between us. There was Kayla’s birthday party and trick-or-treating afterwards. It was a very, very fun weekend.
November I remember a certain weekend with working on our History Documentary and reading Hamlet. That weekend was stressful. Reading Hamlet was fun though. I went to Amanda’s birthday party. We adopted our dog, Willow, on November 16th. Masque and Sandal put on our fall play, The Bloody Attack of the Evil, Demonic Giraffe puppet, that Thursday- Saturday. I helped tech for it. This year, I’ve realized how much I love the feel of theatre, and I should’ve joined Masque and Sandal prior to senior year. I think I’ll continue to be in theatre in college. I went to Alana’s birthday party, where we went and shot pool, and played Kinect at her house. It was really fun. There was Thanksgiving Break. We watched Hamlet at Lily’s. I had Ani’s birthday party to go to.
December Last IB day of my life, sadly. We did toast it at lunch though. End of my first semester of Senior year. Went to a Flies with Buffalo benefit concert on the 17th. Their concerts are always amazing, but I loved the atmosphere of this one more. A kid that I knew from school, but I never really had the chance to talk to, died the day after. It brought everyone together, and made me realize again how short life is, and how I really don’t tell the people around me how much I love them. So I’ve been starting to do that recently. I went to a Christmas Eve service at Jay’s church, and we drove around late at night. I love driving around with friends at night, it has such a lovely feeling to it. Christmas was kind of low-key this year. I received an electronic dictionary, a few of my favourite movies. (Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium and August Rush) I also received Inception and 21 Jump Street. Both of which I have to watch. And! My mom actually found my favourite type of puzzle in book form, so I don’t have to print them out/ do them online anymore. They're really fun to solve.
Coming up, I have my group of friends coming over for a game night, which I’m really excited for. And Friday, I’m doing a Murder Mystery dinner with them for new years. I’ve never done one, and I’m so excited to see how it goes. I doubt I’ll post before then, so I hope everyone has a great start to their new year! And I’ll try and post in my blog more this coming year. We’ll see how it goes.
See ya! (and hopefully soon)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Days 21 - 26
Oh geez. I'm way behind. Sorry Guys, I got so busy and didn't bother to post here. Whoops.
Anyway, on with the show!
Day 21: A Recipe
Okay, this recipe has been one of my favourites for a very long time. I absolutely loved it as a kid, and I still love it. Now, when we want it for dinner, I make it, and I haven't had it written down. I just know it from watching my mom make it.
Tatertot Casserole
1 lb ground beef
2 cans of green beans
1 bag of tatertots
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 can of cream of chicken soup
enough milk to fill one of the cans up.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees fahrenheit. Brown ground beef in a skillet. When finished, get a 9 x 13 pan, and spread the meat on the bottom. Then, drain the two cans of green beans, and spread them over the meat. The tatertots go over the green beans. Then, in a small bowl, mix the cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup, with the milk that has been filled in one of the cans after emptied of soup. Mix all together, and pour equally over the casserole. Bake for an hour, until tatertots are crispy.
Day 22: A website
Fun lists to read.
Day 23: A YouTube video
Day 24: Whatever tickles your fancy
Aeriel Photography
Day 25: Tell us about your day
Since I was supposed to tell you guys about my day, yesterday, I’ll do that.
Well, I woke up around 11, as my dad was making pancakes. I love his pancakes, they’re tasty. Then I took a shower, and got dressed. Then I went over to a friend’s house to get ready for the homecoming dance with several other friends. The we headed off to the dance around 8, getting there around 8.30. And let me tell you, that dance was amazing. I had so much fun. :D It was most memorable out of the three I’ve been to. I’ll be smiling about it for a while. :D
Day 26: Tell us about your week so far
I’ll go European for a bit, and say that the week starts on Monday, so I’ll have more to talk about. :D
Last week was fantastic
Monday: Series premiere of House. I enjoyed it.
Tuesday: I had to go to school early, because of my brother needing to be at school for marching band stuff. It was stressful at school though. Practice commentary in English, Test in Math and a DBQ in history. I was so exhausted by the end of the day. But our Masque and Sandal get together was fun, hearing about pranks that go on. :D But I was able to relax at home, which was good because it was the series premiere of Glee. I was very impatient for the episode, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Raising Hope also premiered, and I thought it wasn’t going to be good, but I thought it was. There was also another episode of Parenthood, which I enjoyed as well.
Wednesday: Masque and Sandal techie bonding day after school. :D That was absolutely fun. Played a few games. Then a few friends and I stood outside in the rain afterwards waiting for rides, which was enjoyable. :D
Thursday: IB DAY! :D Worked mostly on english and studied for chemistry. Watched an episode of Torchwood with Ryan. That was also fun. Haha. Went out to eat afterschool and went to the powderpuff game. Seniors won. :P
Friday: There were shortened classes because of an afternoon assembly, but the day seemed so long. My group didn’t have to present our character projects in english because of it. We had a work day in TOK, went over our tests in math, had a test in chem, and got to listen to our ipods while reading in history. The homecoming skits at the assembly were fun to watch. :D I also came up with the cherry theory (based off of the olive theory from How I met Your Mother) this day as well. Homecoming game was then as well. WE WON! I’m glad, especially since it’s my last year in high school. Winning made my day.
Today: Has been good. My knees and feet aren’t killing me as much, so I think I’ll be able to walk properly tomorrow. I’m looking forward to the new series of Brothers & Sisters, even though I haven’t seen the third and fourth seasons. Oh well.
Tomorrow’s Challenge: Tell us about this month so far
Anyway, on with the show!
Day 21: A Recipe
Okay, this recipe has been one of my favourites for a very long time. I absolutely loved it as a kid, and I still love it. Now, when we want it for dinner, I make it, and I haven't had it written down. I just know it from watching my mom make it.
Tatertot Casserole
1 lb ground beef
2 cans of green beans
1 bag of tatertots
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 can of cream of chicken soup
enough milk to fill one of the cans up.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees fahrenheit. Brown ground beef in a skillet. When finished, get a 9 x 13 pan, and spread the meat on the bottom. Then, drain the two cans of green beans, and spread them over the meat. The tatertots go over the green beans. Then, in a small bowl, mix the cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup, with the milk that has been filled in one of the cans after emptied of soup. Mix all together, and pour equally over the casserole. Bake for an hour, until tatertots are crispy.
Day 22: A website
Fun lists to read.
Day 23: A YouTube video
Day 24: Whatever tickles your fancy
Aeriel Photography
Day 25: Tell us about your day
Since I was supposed to tell you guys about my day, yesterday, I’ll do that.
Well, I woke up around 11, as my dad was making pancakes. I love his pancakes, they’re tasty. Then I took a shower, and got dressed. Then I went over to a friend’s house to get ready for the homecoming dance with several other friends. The we headed off to the dance around 8, getting there around 8.30. And let me tell you, that dance was amazing. I had so much fun. :D It was most memorable out of the three I’ve been to. I’ll be smiling about it for a while. :D
Day 26: Tell us about your week so far
I’ll go European for a bit, and say that the week starts on Monday, so I’ll have more to talk about. :D
Last week was fantastic
Monday: Series premiere of House. I enjoyed it.
Tuesday: I had to go to school early, because of my brother needing to be at school for marching band stuff. It was stressful at school though. Practice commentary in English, Test in Math and a DBQ in history. I was so exhausted by the end of the day. But our Masque and Sandal get together was fun, hearing about pranks that go on. :D But I was able to relax at home, which was good because it was the series premiere of Glee. I was very impatient for the episode, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Raising Hope also premiered, and I thought it wasn’t going to be good, but I thought it was. There was also another episode of Parenthood, which I enjoyed as well.
Wednesday: Masque and Sandal techie bonding day after school. :D That was absolutely fun. Played a few games. Then a few friends and I stood outside in the rain afterwards waiting for rides, which was enjoyable. :D
Thursday: IB DAY! :D Worked mostly on english and studied for chemistry. Watched an episode of Torchwood with Ryan. That was also fun. Haha. Went out to eat afterschool and went to the powderpuff game. Seniors won. :P
Friday: There were shortened classes because of an afternoon assembly, but the day seemed so long. My group didn’t have to present our character projects in english because of it. We had a work day in TOK, went over our tests in math, had a test in chem, and got to listen to our ipods while reading in history. The homecoming skits at the assembly were fun to watch. :D I also came up with the cherry theory (based off of the olive theory from How I met Your Mother) this day as well. Homecoming game was then as well. WE WON! I’m glad, especially since it’s my last year in high school. Winning made my day.
Today: Has been good. My knees and feet aren’t killing me as much, so I think I’ll be able to walk properly tomorrow. I’m looking forward to the new series of Brothers & Sisters, even though I haven’t seen the third and fourth seasons. Oh well.
Tomorrow’s Challenge: Tell us about this month so far
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 20: A Hobby of yours
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Day 19: A Talent of Yours
Apparently I'm good at remembering dates.
Or things with numbers in them.
.... That was a short post.
Tomorrow's challenge: A hobby of mine
Or things with numbers in them.
.... That was a short post.
Tomorrow's challenge: A hobby of mine
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Day 18: Whatever tickles your fancy
Hm. I thought of this one earlier. And In anticipation of the new series of Glee, I give you my top five episodes of Series 1!
5. Mattress
This episode is the one that got me watching Glee. I regret not getting into it sooner, but Rachel and Terri turned me off from the show for awhile. Until I randomly watched this one. I think it was the 'Jump' performance got me hooked.
5. Mattress
This episode is the one that got me watching Glee. I regret not getting into it sooner, but Rachel and Terri turned me off from the show for awhile. Until I randomly watched this one. I think it was the 'Jump' performance got me hooked.

4. Theatricality
I think this is one of the more emotional episodes, with Burt sticking up for Kurt against Finn's comment, Finn dressing up in a bright red shower curtain to get on good terms with Kurt again, Puck's 'Beth' performance with the rest of the guys for Quinn. And Rachel's 'Poker Face' performance and talk with her mother.
Then there's the Bad Romance performance. which is funny. and Kurt. in his Alexander McQueen inspired costume.

Puck: What’s up with this Gaga dude? He just, like, dresses weird, right? Like Bowie?
Kurt: Lady Gaga is a woman! She's only the biggest pop act to come along in decades. She's boundary-pushing, the most theatrical performer of our generation, and she changes her look faster than Brit changes sexual partners.
Brittany: It's true.
Brittany: [To Rachel in toy costume] You look terrible. I look awesome.
(a toy falls off of Rachel's dress)
Kurt: And we have a jumper.
Kurt: I’m proud to be different, It’s the best thing about me
3. Laryngitis
I’m definitely happy with the episodes that have more of a storyline with Kurt, and boy does he have a storyline in this one. And I really love Rachel/Sean and New Direction’s performance of “One.” It’s one of the songs I never skip when It comes up on my ipod. That and Rose’s Turn, which is also in this episode.

2. Preggers
Haha, again with the Kurt storylines. In this one, we get to see him dancing to Single Ladies, and winning his first football game, for the rest of the team as well. And we see the second emotional scene with him (first with his dad though), with him coming out. I’m so glad Mike O’Malley’s a series regular now. And I love Lea Michele’s version of Taking Chances in this one too.

Kurt: My body is like a rum chocolate souffle; if I don't warm it up right, it doesn't rise.
Kurt: Hello, I'm Kurt Hummel and I'll be auditioning for the role of kicker.
Kurt: Dad. I have something that I want to say. I'm glad that you're proud of me. But I don't want to lie anymore. Being a part of the Glee Club and football has really shown me that I can be anything, and what I am… is… I'm gay.
Burt: I know.
Kurt: Really?
Burt: I've known since you were three. All you wanted for your birthday was a pair of sensible heels. I guess I'm not totally in love with the idea, but, if that's who you are, there's nothing I can do about it. And I love you just as much. Ok?
1. The Power of Madonna
This one is just fantastic. I never skip the Madonna songs on my ipod. And I love how brilliant Glee’s rendition of “Vogue” is. I just love Jane Lynch in that. XD “4 Minutes” is also a wonderful performance. It shows you how much of a range Kurt/Chris Colfer has. I love Finn and Rachel’s chemistry during “Borderline/Open your heart.” “What it feels like for a girl” is an amazing song. I love Santana’s voice in “Like a Virgin.” I love the girls performance of “Express Yourself,” as well as their outfits in it. And the ending performance with “Like a Prayer” is just stunning. Have I mentioned all of the songs? Yes I have. I just adore this episode a lot.

Kurt: Mercedes is black; I'm gay. We make culture.
Sue: How do you two not have a show on "Bravo?"
Will: What do you think of when you see that name (Madonna)
Rachel: Genius.
Kurt: Icon!
Puck: Hall of fame MILF.
Will: And I hate to say it: misogynistic.
Finn: I have no idea what that means.
Brittany: When I pulled my hamstring, I went to a misogynist…
Sue: As Madonna once said, I'm tough, I'm ambitious and if that makes me a bitch, that's what I am. Pretty sure she stole that line from Sue Sylvester. No, really. I said it first.
Sue: And here's the truth. I mercilessly pick on Will Schuester's lustrous, wavy hair because I am jealous. There I said it. [But I think Sue looks wonderful with her hair the way it is. :D]
See you all tomorrow for: A talent of mine
Friday, September 17, 2010
Days 16 & 17: A song that makes you cry (or nearly) and an art piece.
Whoops. I forgot to post yesterday.
Day 16: A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Only when I think about it though. And Not as much as I used to when hearing this song.
Day 17: An art piece
"Erase the Pain" by *monislawa at deviantart.com
Tomorrow's challenge: Whatever tickles my fancy.
Day 16: A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Only when I think about it though. And Not as much as I used to when hearing this song.
Day 17: An art piece
"Erase the Pain" by *monislawa at deviantart.com
Tomorrow's challenge: Whatever tickles my fancy.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 15: A fanfic
Oh boy.
You know what?
I don't think I'm going to do this one.
You know why?
It's not because I don't read fanfics, because I do. TONS of them, but I don't think I could pick one that all, save one, of my readers would appreciate.
So, you know, I won't even attempt giving you guys a fanfic. Sorry.
Tomorrow's challenge: A song that makes me cry (or nearly)
You know what?
I don't think I'm going to do this one.
You know why?
It's not because I don't read fanfics, because I do. TONS of them, but I don't think I could pick one that all, save one, of my readers would appreciate.
So, you know, I won't even attempt giving you guys a fanfic. Sorry.
Tomorrow's challenge: A song that makes me cry (or nearly)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 14: A non-fictional book.
That is all.
I'm off to bed now.
Tomorrow's challenge: A fanfic.
Oh boy... We'll see about that one.
That is all.
I'm off to bed now.
Tomorrow's challenge: A fanfic.
Oh boy... We'll see about that one.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 13: A Fictional Book
The Fictional Book I chose to present today is Toni Morrison's novel, Beloved

We're reading in english class, and I don't find it to be one of the bad ones we've read. I'm actually quite interested in it, but there are some parts I'd rather not know about. It's kind of odd. Interesting, but odd.
Tomorrow's challenge - A non-fictional book.

We're reading in english class, and I don't find it to be one of the bad ones we've read. I'm actually quite interested in it, but there are some parts I'd rather not know about. It's kind of odd. Interesting, but odd.
Tomorrow's challenge - A non-fictional book.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day 12: Whatever Tickles your fancy
TARDIS Mosaic by *sir-zeke at deviantart.com
Zelda Mosaic by the same guy.
I think they're amazing.
That is all.
Tomorrow's challenge: A fictional book.
Zelda Mosaic by the same guy.
I think they're amazing.
That is all.
Tomorrow's challenge: A fictional book.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Days 10 and 11: A photo of you taken over ten years ago, and a photo taken recently
Oh geeze. I missed a day (I know it says the tenth, but I'm posting this early morning on the 11th), but I don't have a photo uploaded of me when I was 7 or younger. So yeah, I'll skip that one.

That one was taken in sophomore year, but I haven't changed that much, so it can still be a 'recent' photo.
It's whatever tickles my fancy tomorrow.
That one was taken in sophomore year, but I haven't changed that much, so it can still be a 'recent' photo.
It's whatever tickles my fancy tomorrow.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 9: A Photo You Took
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 8: A photo that makes you angry/sad
Putting anger/sadness aside, I chose to post a photo that makes me nostalgic, because there aren't any photos that make me angry/sad that I can think of right now. But watch, tomorrow or sometime soon, I'll see one that makes me angry/sad
Anyway, this was the view from one of the windows in my host sister's house. Looking through these ones makes me nostalgic and miss France. I loved it a lot.

Tomorrow's challenge: A photo I took.
Anyway, this was the view from one of the windows in my host sister's house. Looking through these ones makes me nostalgic and miss France. I loved it a lot.
Tomorrow's challenge: A photo I took.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 7: A photo that makes you happy
Are people actually reading these things? I'm not sure. I'll post anyway, because I actually feel like it.
This photo doesn't really make me happy per se, but it does amuse me.

I took it in France, while I was sitting outside my host sister's barn/ranch thing that she went to to take care of her horse, and I think my shoe made that imprint, but at first I think it was a weird coincidence that I looked down and there was a smiley face thing there. It amused me then, it amuses me now. :D
Tomorrow's challenge: A photo that makes me angry/sad
See you then!
This photo doesn't really make me happy per se, but it does amuse me.
I took it in France, while I was sitting outside my host sister's barn/ranch thing that she went to to take care of her horse, and I think my shoe made that imprint, but at first I think it was a weird coincidence that I looked down and there was a smiley face thing there. It amused me then, it amuses me now. :D
Tomorrow's challenge: A photo that makes me angry/sad
See you then!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Day 6: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Well, I would've done this one yesterday had it been the sixth, but I had to wait a day.
So I watched Ponyo saturday night, and oh dear lord, is it such an adorable movie.


Okay, Enough with the pics. But I love Hayao Miyazaki's animations. They are so lovely. Movies I've also seen by him that I love are Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle. Howl's Moving Castle and Ponyo (added recently) are in my mental list of favourite movies. xD
I think that's it for now.
Enjoy your Labor day, friends!
So I watched Ponyo saturday night, and oh dear lord, is it such an adorable movie.

Okay, Enough with the pics. But I love Hayao Miyazaki's animations. They are so lovely. Movies I've also seen by him that I love are Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle. Howl's Moving Castle and Ponyo (added recently) are in my mental list of favourite movies. xD
I think that's it for now.
Enjoy your Labor day, friends!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Day 5: Your Favourite Quote
Ah Geeze. How am I supposed to pick a favourite quote? Out of all the things people have said in this world, I'm supposed to pick a favourite? Heh.
I'll go with this one.
It's from my favourite episode of House, One Day, One Room. I find that quote kind of inspirational, and true.
Tomorrow's Challenge: Whatever Tickles My Fancy.
(Why can't it be tomorrow already, I have a great one for that. :D)
I'll go with this one.
I'm going to base this moment on who I'm stuck in a room with. It's what life is. It's a series of rooms and who we get stuck in those rooms with adds up to what our lives are.
It's from my favourite episode of House, One Day, One Room. I find that quote kind of inspirational, and true.
Tomorrow's Challenge: Whatever Tickles My Fancy.
(Why can't it be tomorrow already, I have a great one for that. :D)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 4: Your Favourite Book
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 3: Your favourite Television Program.
I go through phases, so my current favourite is

But my always favourite will be

I've posted a list of my favourite TV shows here
Tomorrow's Challenge: Favourite Book

But my always favourite will be

I've posted a list of my favourite TV shows here
Tomorrow's Challenge: Favourite Book
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 1: Your Favourite Song
It's the first of september, my friends. And I promised you guys I'd start the 30 Day Challenge today, so here it goes.
I actually have two favourite songs. Well, the second one is slightly less of a favourite than the first one, but I thought it was worthy enough in being posted. Or I guess I could say the first is my favourite slow song while the second is my favourite 'upbeat one,' cause you can't really compare upbeat songs with slow ones.
Vienna Teng - Nothing Without You
Tyrone Wells - Sink or Swim
and I wouldn't be the francophile I am without having a favourite french song.
Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un m'a dit.
But I love all of the french music I listen to. Ooh! List idea - French artists I love. Because that's a significantly shorter list than my favourite bands in general.
See you tomorrow!
I actually have two favourite songs. Well, the second one is slightly less of a favourite than the first one, but I thought it was worthy enough in being posted. Or I guess I could say the first is my favourite slow song while the second is my favourite 'upbeat one,' cause you can't really compare upbeat songs with slow ones.
Vienna Teng - Nothing Without You
Tyrone Wells - Sink or Swim
and I wouldn't be the francophile I am without having a favourite french song.
Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un m'a dit.
But I love all of the french music I listen to. Ooh! List idea - French artists I love. Because that's a significantly shorter list than my favourite bands in general.
See you tomorrow!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Senior year... so far.
I'm planning on doing the 30 day challenge starting in September, but I decided to write a blog post now. And I also feel like there was several other lists I wanted to post. I don't recall them right now. Any suggestions before September?
Wow. Senior Year? Seems like yesterday I was posting about Junior Year.
I'm loving this year so far. Even though it's only been four days.
My Schedule? Off, English, TOK, Math, Chem, History and Off.
Which Means I have English, Math and History on Tuesdays, and TOK and Chem on Wednesdays.
My first Tuesday schedule starts tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.
I'm liking where my locker is in relation to everyone else's, so I can easily visit before and after school.
It doesn't seem like I'm running all over the place either with my schedule, so that's good.
I realize that my sentences are very concise, without much detail. Oh Well. heh.
I think this is going to be a great year.
Wow. Senior Year? Seems like yesterday I was posting about Junior Year.
I'm loving this year so far. Even though it's only been four days.
My Schedule? Off, English, TOK, Math, Chem, History and Off.
Which Means I have English, Math and History on Tuesdays, and TOK and Chem on Wednesdays.
My first Tuesday schedule starts tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.
I'm liking where my locker is in relation to everyone else's, so I can easily visit before and after school.
It doesn't seem like I'm running all over the place either with my schedule, so that's good.
I realize that my sentences are very concise, without much detail. Oh Well. heh.
I think this is going to be a great year.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Things I dislike
I thought it was time for this list. There aren't going to be any detailed lists based off of this one, at least I don't think so currently. There will be random lists later though, and I'm still up for suggestions.
Things I dislike
-writing on the last few lines of a page. (all my letter receivers will know this. xD)
-shellfish (mainly because I’m allergic)
-The band ICP
-talking to Lily (or anyone, but specifically Lily) on MSN/IM and being interrupted by a family member and their desire to use the computer
-reading great fanfics and being interrupted
-getting comfortable (which is difficult for me to do in the first place) and realizing I need to get up to do something
-long term projects
-shopping for clothes and having none of the articles fit properly
-the fact I can’t sing well without hearing the music.
-bad grammar
-[stealing AmyLynne’s] being late with someone else as the cause
-When I can’t sleep for hours/waking up several times/my random insomnia
-The fact that my hair won’t do anything besides staying straight
-big hooped earrings/gauges (smaller ones are okay)
-the fact that Chelsea Handler talks more than the people she’s interviewing
-eating nuts by themselves
-having food, but not its companion
--(i.e. crackers, but no cheese; lunch meat, no bread; tortilla chips, no salsa, etc)
-Harry Potter’s hair in the movies (closest they got was in the 4th)
-the cybermen
-the fact that Doctor Who writers keep bringing back the Daleks (even though I do like them)
-the word crush to describe liking someone (except in the case of 'girlcrushes')
-when I lose my bookmarks
-the fact my shoulders have been tense (still) from stress over the school year
-when the silver on jewelry fades away to that pink/bronze colour
-when I have my hair up, and it feels like a few strands of hair are keeping it up. It’s painful.
-Ingrown toenails/fingernails. Ingrown fingernails are worse.
-Family Guy/King of the Hill/any of those stupid animated shows. (Simpsons and south park are tolerable)
See ya next time (hopefully!)
Things I dislike
-writing on the last few lines of a page. (all my letter receivers will know this. xD)
-shellfish (mainly because I’m allergic)
-The band ICP
-talking to Lily (or anyone, but specifically Lily) on MSN/IM and being interrupted by a family member and their desire to use the computer
-reading great fanfics and being interrupted
-getting comfortable (which is difficult for me to do in the first place) and realizing I need to get up to do something
-long term projects
-shopping for clothes and having none of the articles fit properly
-the fact I can’t sing well without hearing the music.
-bad grammar
-[stealing AmyLynne’s] being late with someone else as the cause
-When I can’t sleep for hours/waking up several times/my random insomnia
-The fact that my hair won’t do anything besides staying straight
-big hooped earrings/gauges (smaller ones are okay)
-the fact that Chelsea Handler talks more than the people she’s interviewing
-eating nuts by themselves
-having food, but not its companion
--(i.e. crackers, but no cheese; lunch meat, no bread; tortilla chips, no salsa, etc)
-Harry Potter’s hair in the movies (closest they got was in the 4th)
-the cybermen
-the fact that Doctor Who writers keep bringing back the Daleks (even though I do like them)
-the word crush to describe liking someone (except in the case of 'girlcrushes')
-when I lose my bookmarks
-the fact my shoulders have been tense (still) from stress over the school year
-when the silver on jewelry fades away to that pink/bronze colour
-when I have my hair up, and it feels like a few strands of hair are keeping it up. It’s painful.
-Ingrown toenails/fingernails. Ingrown fingernails are worse.
-Family Guy/King of the Hill/any of those stupid animated shows. (Simpsons and south park are tolerable)
See ya next time (hopefully!)
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Past Few Days
So, I've had a great past couple of days, spending time with my friends, so I haven't been so lonely this week as I thought I would be.
Tuesday, Amanda took me out for lunch, and we went to her PT appointment, and laughed way more than we should've, keeping her from relaxing. But it was fun. xD And she also bought me my favourite ice cream, because my dad forgot to pick up some for me before he went on vacation with my mom. xD
Wednesday, I spent the night over at Lily's house, which was very fun. We watched three great movies (Then she found me, The Men Who Stare at Goats and Sherlock Holmes) I loved all three. :D Sherlock Holmes, especially, thank you for showing that to me, Lily.
Yesterday, I spent the night at Alyssa's with several other friends which was equally as fun as the previous two days. Apparently we laugh a lot. xD
Today, doctor who was on for several episodes, so we were watching that.
Anyway, you guys will get more lists in the future, I just haven't been posting them lately.
See ya!
Tuesday, Amanda took me out for lunch, and we went to her PT appointment, and laughed way more than we should've, keeping her from relaxing. But it was fun. xD And she also bought me my favourite ice cream, because my dad forgot to pick up some for me before he went on vacation with my mom. xD
Wednesday, I spent the night over at Lily's house, which was very fun. We watched three great movies (Then she found me, The Men Who Stare at Goats and Sherlock Holmes) I loved all three. :D Sherlock Holmes, especially, thank you for showing that to me, Lily.
Yesterday, I spent the night at Alyssa's with several other friends which was equally as fun as the previous two days. Apparently we laugh a lot. xD
Today, doctor who was on for several episodes, so we were watching that.
Anyway, you guys will get more lists in the future, I just haven't been posting them lately.
See ya!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Feeling great
Anyway, the first day alone has been great. :D
It was like any other day, like my parents were at work, and my brother elsewhere. Only for an extended time.
I got to talk to a great friend of mine, Jay, for a long while. That was fun. :D
Guess that's what I get to do when my family doesn't want (or rather, can't) go on the computer. I get to talk to friends without interruption.
I want to mention something I didn't in the last post. Friday night, I went to a brilliant concert and had a blast hanging out with friends I don't normally hang out with. Kings of the Cardboard Castle (now Flies with Buffalo), The Tuesday, i.Malibu and Life not our Own were fantastic. Kings and iMalibu have myspaces, if you want to check them out. I recommend it. :D
My friend Lily has her own blog, and she posts some great stuff there, so check it out. :D
I finally made a header! I'm pretty satisfied with it. For someone who doesn't have artistic skills in graphic making, I like it. :D I hope you do too.
I think that's it for now.
It was like any other day, like my parents were at work, and my brother elsewhere. Only for an extended time.
I got to talk to a great friend of mine, Jay, for a long while. That was fun. :D
Guess that's what I get to do when my family doesn't want (or rather, can't) go on the computer. I get to talk to friends without interruption.
I want to mention something I didn't in the last post. Friday night, I went to a brilliant concert and had a blast hanging out with friends I don't normally hang out with. Kings of the Cardboard Castle (now Flies with Buffalo), The Tuesday, i.Malibu and Life not our Own were fantastic. Kings and iMalibu have myspaces, if you want to check them out. I recommend it. :D
My friend Lily has her own blog, and she posts some great stuff there, so check it out. :D
I finally made a header! I'm pretty satisfied with it. For someone who doesn't have artistic skills in graphic making, I like it. :D I hope you do too.
I think that's it for now.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Let's see how this goes...
*rubs back of neck* I don't know how to start explaining this.
Well, my brother and my parents are going on their vacation this week. My brother has already been at his friend's house because their plane leaves at 6 in the morning, (~3 hours from now, as I'm currently writing this at 2.55 in the morning of) and my parents are going to leave for their vacation in approximately 40 minutes... and... I'm already feeling lonely.
I think for the majority of this week, though, I'll be fine. It's just right now, I feel weird.
I think I'll update you guys on how this goes throughout the week, and we'll get back to my lists afterwards. Or I'll just post it during, sometime. My updating might even be daily, but don't count on it.
In anxiety, I leave this post.
Well, my brother and my parents are going on their vacation this week. My brother has already been at his friend's house because their plane leaves at 6 in the morning, (~3 hours from now, as I'm currently writing this at 2.55 in the morning of) and my parents are going to leave for their vacation in approximately 40 minutes... and... I'm already feeling lonely.
I think for the majority of this week, though, I'll be fine. It's just right now, I feel weird.
I think I'll update you guys on how this goes throughout the week, and we'll get back to my lists afterwards. Or I'll just post it during, sometime. My updating might even be daily, but don't count on it.
In anxiety, I leave this post.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
By popular demand, I present you...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Favourite Words
And Now for the next installment of my lists out of however many. :D
What would you guys like to see next? I can make a whole post dedicated to my girlcrushes (Thanks, Amy. :D) or is it time for my dislike list? Or something else?
Be warned, there's a lot. The words in bold signify my absolute favourites from each list.
Abandon, absolution, adelaide, aesthetically, allegory, ambition, aria, aura, avarice, beautiful, boulevard, camouflage, captivate, cascade, chagrin, compassion, contradiction, collision, concur, convenience, correlation, crescendo, distance, effervescent, entropy, extraordinary, fortunate, gazelle, gorgeous, halcyon, horizon, hypothetical, kayak, kiwi, koala, illusion, inertia, infuriating, innocence, intrigue, invasion, iris, lieutenant, lovely, luminescent, macabre, melody, memento, mystify, nonchalance, nonsensical, nuisance, obsession, omnipotent, omniscient, orient, oxymoron, perhaps, permanence, placebo, pseudonym, quaint, quiche, radiant, rhythm, rile, sacrifice, sauna, salubrious, sentient, serendipity, silhouette, spiel, superb, superfluous, svelte, tension, vestige, vortex
I noticed I like a lot of words ending with ‘sion’ or ‘tion’
French words: acacia, accolade, agile, capitaine, façade, ici, renaissance, séance
Some words I don’t like: taut, crush, cumbersome, obsessed
Until next time,
What would you guys like to see next? I can make a whole post dedicated to my girlcrushes (Thanks, Amy. :D) or is it time for my dislike list? Or something else?
Be warned, there's a lot. The words in bold signify my absolute favourites from each list.
Abandon, absolution, adelaide, aesthetically, allegory, ambition, aria, aura, avarice, beautiful, boulevard, camouflage, captivate, cascade, chagrin, compassion, contradiction, collision, concur, convenience, correlation, crescendo, distance, effervescent, entropy, extraordinary, fortunate, gazelle, gorgeous, halcyon, horizon, hypothetical, kayak, kiwi, koala, illusion, inertia, infuriating, innocence, intrigue, invasion, iris, lieutenant, lovely, luminescent, macabre, melody, memento, mystify, nonchalance, nonsensical, nuisance, obsession, omnipotent, omniscient, orient, oxymoron, perhaps, permanence, placebo, pseudonym, quaint, quiche, radiant, rhythm, rile, sacrifice, sauna, salubrious, sentient, serendipity, silhouette, spiel, superb, superfluous, svelte, tension, vestige, vortex
I noticed I like a lot of words ending with ‘sion’ or ‘tion’
French words: acacia, accolade, agile, capitaine, façade, ici, renaissance, séance
Some words I don’t like: taut, crush, cumbersome, obsessed
Until next time,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Favourite TV shows
Hey, sorry guys, I made you wait for this one.
So, after this one, which list would you like to see next? My favourite words (which will probably take a while, because I'm still adding to the list), My dislikes, or something that hasn't been mentioned?
On with the list!
Glee (my most recent phase), Doctor Who, Torchwood, Design Star, Brothers & Sisters, Jeopardy, So You Think You Can Dance, How it’s made, Graham Norton, Jonathan Ross, The Big Bang Theory , How I Met your Mother, American Pickers, Ally McBeal...
Shows I like, but watch occasionally(or haven’t seen in awhile):
Top Gear, The Inbetweeners, Tosh.0, Gilmore Girls, Ace of Cakes, House, iCarly, Smallville, Grey’s Anatomy, Time Warp, Trading Spaces, Star Trek: TNG, Fringe, Whose Line is it Anyway?, Taking over the Asylum(featuring a very young David Tennant, a must watch for Doctor Who fans!), Mythbusters, Supernatural, Recess, random kid shows, award shows(emmy’s, grammy’s, etc.), Skins...
I know I'll add later, but I'm sure that's it for now. :D
So, after this one, which list would you like to see next? My favourite words (which will probably take a while, because I'm still adding to the list), My dislikes, or something that hasn't been mentioned?
On with the list!
Glee (my most recent phase), Doctor Who, Torchwood, Design Star, Brothers & Sisters, Jeopardy, So You Think You Can Dance, How it’s made, Graham Norton, Jonathan Ross, The Big Bang Theory , How I Met your Mother, American Pickers, Ally McBeal...
Shows I like, but watch occasionally(or haven’t seen in awhile):
Top Gear, The Inbetweeners, Tosh.0, Gilmore Girls, Ace of Cakes, House, iCarly, Smallville, Grey’s Anatomy, Time Warp, Trading Spaces, Star Trek: TNG, Fringe, Whose Line is it Anyway?, Taking over the Asylum(featuring a very young David Tennant, a must watch for Doctor Who fans!), Mythbusters, Supernatural, Recess, random kid shows, award shows(emmy’s, grammy’s, etc.), Skins...
I know I'll add later, but I'm sure that's it for now. :D
Friday, July 23, 2010
Next List: People
Of a vote of two people, this list comes next. Hope you enjoy it. If you're reading this, you most likely will. You're in for a treat. A very small one, but a treat nonetheless.
*I'll mention everyone in the category after the bullets. :D
People List Breakdown
-my close friends in real life
-people I see every day but don’t necessarily talk to
-fellow boardies on LOBH
-people who talk to me randomly
-Characters from TV shows*
Hmm… I’ll now list the people who especially make me happy (in no particular order)
People I know Personally: Amanda, Lily, Mary, Kayla, Alyssa, Ani, Alana, Alice, Gen, Mackenzie, Taylor, Jay, Michael, Chad, Bryce, Anthony, Ryan, AmyLynne, Amy, Nova, Leo, Raf, Emily, Mellie, Jeanna, Hannah, Raychel, Rachel, Rachel, Jenny, Ashley, Erin, Christy, Claire, Gabby, Jamie, Kasey, Kaya, Kelsey, Krista, Laura, Mary, Nikki, Nathan, Rusty, Sammie, Theresa, Tori, Vanessa. and the parents of these people for giving life to them, and their help in keeping them alive. heh.
Favourite teachers over the years: K-Ms. Groves; My first grade teacher(I forgot her name, it'll come back to me eventually); 2nd-Mrs. Marigold; 4th-Mrs.Pettit/Ms. Kooyer(she's been married since then, I don't know her last name now); Middle School- Mr. Busby and Mrs. Keller; 9th-Mrs. Keller(again. heh), Ms. Lee, Mr. Krakauer; 10th-Ms. Hampson, Mr. Appelhans; 11th-Grantz, Joiner, Mme Lippert, Mrs. Rewey. :D
Characters from TV Shows - Kurt Hummel, Artie Abrams, Finn Hudson, Captain Jack, The Doctor and his companions (Rose, Donna and Amy, mainly), Lorelai Gilmore, Luke Danes, Rory Gilmore, Kevin Walker, Scotty Wandell, Kitty Walker, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper.
Actors - Chris Colfer, John Barrowman, David Tennant, Lauren Graham, Matthew Rhys, Graham Norton, Jonathan Ross, Jane Lynch, Kevin McHale, Cory Monteith, Gareth David-Lloyd, many others. I'll add more later.
Hope you enjoyed that.
*I'll mention everyone in the category after the bullets. :D
People List Breakdown
-my close friends in real life
-people I see every day but don’t necessarily talk to
-fellow boardies on LOBH
-people who talk to me randomly
-Characters from TV shows*
Hmm… I’ll now list the people who especially make me happy (in no particular order)
People I know Personally: Amanda, Lily, Mary, Kayla, Alyssa, Ani, Alana, Alice, Gen, Mackenzie, Taylor, Jay, Michael, Chad, Bryce, Anthony, Ryan, AmyLynne, Amy, Nova, Leo, Raf, Emily, Mellie, Jeanna, Hannah, Raychel, Rachel, Rachel, Jenny, Ashley, Erin, Christy, Claire, Gabby, Jamie, Kasey, Kaya, Kelsey, Krista, Laura, Mary, Nikki, Nathan, Rusty, Sammie, Theresa, Tori, Vanessa. and the parents of these people for giving life to them, and their help in keeping them alive. heh.
Favourite teachers over the years: K-Ms. Groves; My first grade teacher(I forgot her name, it'll come back to me eventually); 2nd-Mrs. Marigold; 4th-Mrs.Pettit/Ms. Kooyer(she's been married since then, I don't know her last name now); Middle School- Mr. Busby and Mrs. Keller; 9th-Mrs. Keller(again. heh), Ms. Lee, Mr. Krakauer; 10th-Ms. Hampson, Mr. Appelhans; 11th-Grantz, Joiner, Mme Lippert, Mrs. Rewey. :D
Characters from TV Shows - Kurt Hummel, Artie Abrams, Finn Hudson, Captain Jack, The Doctor and his companions (Rose, Donna and Amy, mainly), Lorelai Gilmore, Luke Danes, Rory Gilmore, Kevin Walker, Scotty Wandell, Kitty Walker, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper.
Actors - Chris Colfer, John Barrowman, David Tennant, Lauren Graham, Matthew Rhys, Graham Norton, Jonathan Ross, Jane Lynch, Kevin McHale, Cory Monteith, Gareth David-Lloyd, many others. I'll add more later.
Hope you enjoyed that.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Things... I love/that make me happy
*denotes lists in which I’ll break down and go into specifics later in a new post, because they’ll be too long to list in sub bullets here.
Question for you guys: Which list would you like to see next? My dislikes/hate one or a breakdown of one of these? Though you’ll see each of them eventually, it’s just a matter of what order.
-Languages (especially knowing French)
-Music (I’m not going to list my favourite bands – there are too many)
-French music(especially when I find English artists who can also sing their songs in French)
-Messages/Wall Posts/comments/chatting on Facebook
-favourite TV shows*/new episodes of them
-accents (especially French, Welsh, British, Scottish, Irish, and Indian)
-knowing British equivalents to american words and using them. :D
-having the house to myself
-to play my music loudly and sing badly. xD
-Game Nights
-eating/going out with friends
-checking the post and having a handwritten envelope addressed to me
-reading and replying to said letters
-when my handwriting is constantly neat
-when people trust me with stuff/ask me for advice
-drawing hands (something I’m actually decent at drawing)
-When I’m noticed for something
-Sharing things with friends no one else knows
-Inside jokes
-birthday threads on LOBH
-LOBH in general
-October, April and November
-Cloudy Days
-Free Periods
-when teachers go off on tangents/ tell stories
-talking to/getting to know acquaintances
-the BBC
-cinnamon raisin bread
-hearing favourite songs on the radio rather than on my iPod/iTunes/youtube
-when I get to fall asleep to the sound of rain
-taking showers
-good books I can’t put down
-people calling me by a nickname they’ve given me
-Spice Cakes
-The Loft
-The Humane Society
-writing lists/feeling organized
-sleeping/dreaming/remembering my dreams
-numbers ( favourite: 4, 12, 412, 24, 2, 811)
-my favourite words*
-seeing adorable videos for the first time
-Iced Tea with lemon icebreakers. (Too bad I never find them in stores. >.<)
-Yearbooks/Yearbook signing days
-having my shoulders/back/neck massaged
-having my hair played with/back scratched
-having my hair washed/brushed by someone else
-holding hands/hugs/cuddling
-good movies
-This icon
I may add more later. heh
edit: adding some more.
-hanging out with a friend one-on-one. a group hang out is fun, but one-on-one, you get to pay attention to just them and get to know them better.
-finding clothes that I love to wear and I think I look decent in.
-farmer's markets
hm... i'll continue adding to this list, and it's your choice to keep checking back. :P
Question for you guys: Which list would you like to see next? My dislikes/hate one or a breakdown of one of these? Though you’ll see each of them eventually, it’s just a matter of what order.
-Languages (especially knowing French)
-Music (I’m not going to list my favourite bands – there are too many)
-French music(especially when I find English artists who can also sing their songs in French)
-Messages/Wall Posts/comments/chatting on Facebook
-favourite TV shows*/new episodes of them
-accents (especially French, Welsh, British, Scottish, Irish, and Indian)
-knowing British equivalents to american words and using them. :D
-having the house to myself
-to play my music loudly and sing badly. xD
-Game Nights
-eating/going out with friends
-checking the post and having a handwritten envelope addressed to me
-reading and replying to said letters
-when my handwriting is constantly neat
-when people trust me with stuff/ask me for advice
-drawing hands (something I’m actually decent at drawing)
-When I’m noticed for something
-Sharing things with friends no one else knows
-Inside jokes
-birthday threads on LOBH
-LOBH in general
-October, April and November
-Cloudy Days
-Free Periods
-when teachers go off on tangents/ tell stories
-talking to/getting to know acquaintances
-the BBC
-cinnamon raisin bread
-hearing favourite songs on the radio rather than on my iPod/iTunes/youtube
-when I get to fall asleep to the sound of rain
-taking showers
-good books I can’t put down
-people calling me by a nickname they’ve given me
-Spice Cakes
-The Loft
-The Humane Society
-writing lists/feeling organized
-sleeping/dreaming/remembering my dreams
-numbers ( favourite: 4, 12, 412, 24, 2, 811)
-my favourite words*
-seeing adorable videos for the first time
-Iced Tea with lemon icebreakers. (Too bad I never find them in stores. >.<)
-Yearbooks/Yearbook signing days
-having my shoulders/back/neck massaged
-having my hair played with/back scratched
-having my hair washed/brushed by someone else
-holding hands/hugs/cuddling
-good movies
-This icon
I may add more later. heh
edit: adding some more.
-hanging out with a friend one-on-one. a group hang out is fun, but one-on-one, you get to pay attention to just them and get to know them better.
-finding clothes that I love to wear and I think I look decent in.
-farmer's markets
hm... i'll continue adding to this list, and it's your choice to keep checking back. :P
Monday, July 19, 2010
New Title
Woah?! Two posts in one day? Where has this World gone to?
Anyway, I thought I would change the title of my blog, because the last one (Days in the life of Renae) didn't fit, as I don't ever describe my days, do I?
So this new one fits more, and to let you know, Grey is a nickname given to me by a friend. I like the nickname a lot, and my blog is more of my thoughts and not of the events in my days, I suppose, so it works. I like it better. Your thoughts?
I've been writing my lists out, so it should be up in the next few days. Hang in there. (Only if you really want to see them. hah)
Anyway, I thought I would change the title of my blog, because the last one (Days in the life of Renae) didn't fit, as I don't ever describe my days, do I?
So this new one fits more, and to let you know, Grey is a nickname given to me by a friend. I like the nickname a lot, and my blog is more of my thoughts and not of the events in my days, I suppose, so it works. I like it better. Your thoughts?
I've been writing my lists out, so it should be up in the next few days. Hang in there. (Only if you really want to see them. hah)
Trend of Lists
So my friends AmyLynne and Lee have been making lists of what they dislike, and in Lee's case, what she loves as well.
I've decided I'm going to do the same thing.
These lists will be extensive, but all I have to say is, 'stay tuned'
Maybe I'll separate my favourite things/dislikes into categories.
I've decided I'm going to do the same thing.
These lists will be extensive, but all I have to say is, 'stay tuned'
Maybe I'll separate my favourite things/dislikes into categories.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.
Roy Craft
Sunday, June 20, 2010
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. This I did.
T.E. Lawrence
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.
C.S. Lewis
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
So I just randomly thought of the choices we make when I changed my layout.
I didn't really want to, because the colour scheme of the other layout is my favourite. But, as I was looking through the templates, I pretty much fell in love with this one. So I changed it. Change is a good thing, sometimes.
And there's another choice I have to make, but the good thing is that I have the summer to decide.
What I have to decide: Take A.P. French and have only one free period -or- not take the class, and have two free periods.
The problem: I adore the french language and the teacher that would be instructing me if I took the class next year -but- I would really love to have two free periods so I could get work done quicker so I could read for fun more/ do other things.
Anyway, I will include posts like these so my blog won't just be posts of one thing. I'm mixing it up a bit.
I didn't really want to, because the colour scheme of the other layout is my favourite. But, as I was looking through the templates, I pretty much fell in love with this one. So I changed it. Change is a good thing, sometimes.
And there's another choice I have to make, but the good thing is that I have the summer to decide.
What I have to decide: Take A.P. French and have only one free period -or- not take the class, and have two free periods.
The problem: I adore the french language and the teacher that would be instructing me if I took the class next year -but- I would really love to have two free periods so I could get work done quicker so I could read for fun more/ do other things.
Anyway, I will include posts like these so my blog won't just be posts of one thing. I'm mixing it up a bit.
Isolation is aloneness that feels forced upon you, like a punishment. Solitude is aloneness you choose and embrace. I think great things can come out of solitude, out of going to a place where all is quiet except the beating of your heart.
--Jeanne Marie Laskas
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Alright, I've got it.
I know what to do with my blog, as I never know what to write.
I've gotten the idea from http://www.goodmorningandgoodnight.com/
I'm going to try and post one little thing everyday. Whether it's a favourite quote, a photo I think beautiful or thought provoking, etc, with no explanation as to why. It may prove to be a challenge for me though, because I always feel the need to explain things.
Dunno what I'll title the posts though. We'll see what happens. Maybe there will be a day where I actually write some of my thoughts down. Who knows? Maybe you'll learn something about me about what kind of photos/quotes/songs I post.
See ya around,
I've gotten the idea from http://www.goodmorningandgoodnight.com/
I'm going to try and post one little thing everyday. Whether it's a favourite quote, a photo I think beautiful or thought provoking, etc, with no explanation as to why. It may prove to be a challenge for me though, because I always feel the need to explain things.
Dunno what I'll title the posts though. We'll see what happens. Maybe there will be a day where I actually write some of my thoughts down. Who knows? Maybe you'll learn something about me about what kind of photos/quotes/songs I post.
See ya around,
Friday, May 7, 2010
I never write blog posts. Why? I haven't the foggiest idea what to write about. I do hold a book of thoughts, though, but the ideas aren't that coherent to type up for everyone to read. So, if you like to read what I write, in the event that I do post something, tell me what you want to know about me or what I think about a certain topic. Then I'll have the inspiration to write something. But I don't want to post knowing that people won't read in interest.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
More Lists
So… I’m what? Nine Lists Behind? I’ll write nine lists in this post.
The British shows that I really enjoy watching. AKA the only ones I’ve seen
1.Doctor Who
3.The Weakest Link
4.The Inbetweeners
5.Demons ( even though I’m still trying to get into this one. It’s not that appealing, but I’m sure I’ll find it interesting soon)
6.Taking over the Asylum
The British words I use instead of American words
1.Status as in stay-tus and not stat-us
2.Crisps (Chips)
3.Chips (French fries)
4.Anti (counter)
5.Lift (Elevator)
6.Sweets ( Candy)
7.Colour/Favourite/behaviour ( adding the u to several words)
You can’t tell I’m fascinated with the british language, can ya?
10 Favourite Harry Potter Characters
1.Remus Lupin ( my ultimate favourite )
2.James Potter
3.Sirius Black
4.Lily Evans
6.Luna Lovegood
7.Fred and George
Foods that, I think, are disgusting as leftovers
1.Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
2.The Cactus blossom from Texas Roadhouse
3.Mashed Potatoes
Right now, I can’t think of anything else.
Phobias I could have if the dislike of something I have goes terrible wrong.
1.Whatever the fear of not being able to move/paralyzed is. That is my one major fear. I think I already have the phobia of it. *shudders*
2.Pediophobia ( Fear of Dolls) I absolutely cannot have porcelain dolls in my room while I’m sleeping. The eyes are absolutely creepy.
3.Automatonophobia (Fear of a Ventriloquist’s Dummy) The wooden ones are seriously creepy.
4.Aeroacrophobia (Fear of open high places)
5.Amnesiphobia (Fear of amnesia)
6.Ataxophobia (Fear of disorder or untidiness) I already have OCD
7.Taeniophobia ( Fear of tapeworms)
Things I Think of When I Think Of Scotland (Stolen from the first post of The List Game
1.John Barrowman
2.David Tennant
3.Taking over the Asylum
7.Brilliant green hills and plains
10 Favourite Movies
1.Dead Poets Society
2.Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium
4.Definitely, Maybe
5.The Ultimate Gift
6.PS I love You
7.The Ugly Truth
8.August Rush
9.Howl’s Moving Castle
I do have way more, and I may continue this list later.
5 Favourite Words ( because I won’t be able to think of the rest tonight, plus there’s too many)
5.Spiel (Lee Comes to mind)
10 Favourite Restaurants
1.Noodles and Company
2.La Baguette
3.Olive Garden
4.Phantom Canyon
5.5 guys
6.Pei Wei
7.PF Changs
8.Macaroni Grill
10.Fargo’s Pizza
Okay, So, I can continue the lists that can be continued at a later date. And Remember, Ideas for these lists are key, because I had troubles coming up with these ones. And I do wish to write more amusing lists than just ‘favourites of this and that’
The British shows that I really enjoy watching. AKA the only ones I’ve seen
1.Doctor Who
3.The Weakest Link
4.The Inbetweeners
5.Demons ( even though I’m still trying to get into this one. It’s not that appealing, but I’m sure I’ll find it interesting soon)
6.Taking over the Asylum
The British words I use instead of American words
1.Status as in stay-tus and not stat-us
2.Crisps (Chips)
3.Chips (French fries)
4.Anti (counter)
5.Lift (Elevator)
6.Sweets ( Candy)
7.Colour/Favourite/behaviour ( adding the u to several words)
You can’t tell I’m fascinated with the british language, can ya?
10 Favourite Harry Potter Characters
1.Remus Lupin ( my ultimate favourite )
2.James Potter
3.Sirius Black
4.Lily Evans
6.Luna Lovegood
7.Fred and George
Foods that, I think, are disgusting as leftovers
1.Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
2.The Cactus blossom from Texas Roadhouse
3.Mashed Potatoes
Right now, I can’t think of anything else.
Phobias I could have if the dislike of something I have goes terrible wrong.
1.Whatever the fear of not being able to move/paralyzed is. That is my one major fear. I think I already have the phobia of it. *shudders*
2.Pediophobia ( Fear of Dolls) I absolutely cannot have porcelain dolls in my room while I’m sleeping. The eyes are absolutely creepy.
3.Automatonophobia (Fear of a Ventriloquist’s Dummy) The wooden ones are seriously creepy.
4.Aeroacrophobia (Fear of open high places)
5.Amnesiphobia (Fear of amnesia)
6.Ataxophobia (Fear of disorder or untidiness) I already have OCD
7.Taeniophobia ( Fear of tapeworms)
Things I Think of When I Think Of Scotland (Stolen from the first post of The List Game
1.John Barrowman
2.David Tennant
3.Taking over the Asylum
7.Brilliant green hills and plains
10 Favourite Movies
1.Dead Poets Society
2.Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium
4.Definitely, Maybe
5.The Ultimate Gift
6.PS I love You
7.The Ugly Truth
8.August Rush
9.Howl’s Moving Castle
I do have way more, and I may continue this list later.
5 Favourite Words ( because I won’t be able to think of the rest tonight, plus there’s too many)
5.Spiel (Lee Comes to mind)
10 Favourite Restaurants
1.Noodles and Company
2.La Baguette
3.Olive Garden
4.Phantom Canyon
5.5 guys
6.Pei Wei
7.PF Changs
8.Macaroni Grill
10.Fargo’s Pizza
Okay, So, I can continue the lists that can be continued at a later date. And Remember, Ideas for these lists are key, because I had troubles coming up with these ones. And I do wish to write more amusing lists than just ‘favourites of this and that’
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My blog project for February.
So, I was planning on starting this on monday. But then I was thinking I wouldn't keep it up, but I do want to blog more.
Anyway, my plan: to post a list I've written each day. and I'm already four days behind. I'll probably need your ideas for lists. It can be anything from the songs I've been listening to on repeat, or what I ate the previous week. I don't know, it can be something for you to get to know me more, and I think it's fun to write lists and to read them as well.
My list for today: 9 Things I should be doing right now instead of being on facebook and this.
1. My Math Portfolio project that's due tomorrow.
2. Two english assignments due tomorrow.
3. Start reading my book for history thats due beginning of March.
4. Start reading Pedro Paramo that we have to read by the 16th.
5. My chemistry assignment that's also due tomorrow.
5. My french assignment due on monday.
6. Read all my other books before they become overdue at the library.
-and the stuff that I should do after doing all of that:
7. write all the letters i have to send soon.
8. Watch Doctor Who ( fourth Doctor )
9. Watch the third series of HIMYM
Tell me what subjects for lists you want to see from me. Otherwise, i'll just come up with ones that wouldn't be as interesting.
Anyway, my plan: to post a list I've written each day. and I'm already four days behind. I'll probably need your ideas for lists. It can be anything from the songs I've been listening to on repeat, or what I ate the previous week. I don't know, it can be something for you to get to know me more, and I think it's fun to write lists and to read them as well.
My list for today: 9 Things I should be doing right now instead of being on facebook and this.
1. My Math Portfolio project that's due tomorrow.
2. Two english assignments due tomorrow.
3. Start reading my book for history thats due beginning of March.
4. Start reading Pedro Paramo that we have to read by the 16th.
5. My chemistry assignment that's also due tomorrow.
5. My french assignment due on monday.
6. Read all my other books before they become overdue at the library.
-and the stuff that I should do after doing all of that:
7. write all the letters i have to send soon.
8. Watch Doctor Who ( fourth Doctor )
9. Watch the third series of HIMYM
Tell me what subjects for lists you want to see from me. Otherwise, i'll just come up with ones that wouldn't be as interesting.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Carpe Diem?
I’ve been thinking. How many times do we hear the words “Carpe Diem” and never act on them? Or how many times do we hear “make the best of today” or “live like it’s your last day on earth” and never do anything about it? I know I’m one of those people. I always think of things to do to make my days livelier, but I never do them when it comes to it. I always want to do something to “Seize the Day” but I’d always put it off for another day. I hear these statements all the time, and I want to live by them, but I never do. I think we all take our days for granted, and pretend like we’ll always have a sufficient amount of time. I find myself repeatedly saying “One of These Days…” I’ll do this, or I’ll do that… but I never end up doing it. I really do want to live by those words, I do. I can’t really say “Carpe Diem” to other people, unless I start living by those words myself, can I?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
My 2010 Resolutions
1. To not procrastinate too much.
2. To only allow myself a maximum of one hour on the computer on Sundays. This will allow me to read more and to decrease my procrastination.
3. Write more. This can either be here on my blog, or just in general.
4. To get my weekend homework done before Sunday. So I don't have to worry about it on Sunday, and so that I will be able to relax and do nothing.
5. Deliberately find new things to learn.
6. Practice drawing
7. Make new friends
8. Volunteer at the Humane Society more
I do believe that all of these goals are very attainable. :)
2. To only allow myself a maximum of one hour on the computer on Sundays. This will allow me to read more and to decrease my procrastination.
3. Write more. This can either be here on my blog, or just in general.
4. To get my weekend homework done before Sunday. So I don't have to worry about it on Sunday, and so that I will be able to relax and do nothing.
5. Deliberately find new things to learn.
6. Practice drawing
7. Make new friends
8. Volunteer at the Humane Society more
I do believe that all of these goals are very attainable. :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
I have decided to write another end of the year blog post containing the albums/tv shows/movies/moments that I have fully enjoyed throughout the year. I would have had this posted before today, but I didn’t write the whole thing before going to my sleepovers.
Hello Hurricane: Switchfoot. This album came out in November, and it took me a little while to buy it. Actually, I convinced my dad to buy it for me. I listened to it from end to end a few times, and each time was spectacular. I will not tire from listening to those songs. There may be longer lengths of time where I won’t listen to a song, but I will not tire of listening to the album. It’s really a great album. I’m pretty sure all of you readers will agree. Considering the only people who read my blog are from LOBH.
CafĂ©ine: Christophe Willem. He was one of the artists I got into when I was in France. I decided to buy his album at the airport in France before leaving. I listened to the album several times through. Then I found other songs by him not on the album, and I will occasionally listen to the songs on repeat now. It’s a great album.
I got into a lot of other French songs too. xD
Relient K came out with a new album: Forget and not slow down. I haven’t gotten the album yet, but I’m pretty sure I’d love all the songs a lot.
Lifehouse released a new single a few months ago, called Halfway Gone. It’s off their new album, Smoke and Mirrors, which comes out in February. It was going to be released back in early December, but they postponed the date. I do enjoy the new single a lot. :D
There are a bunch of other songs that I’ve fallen in love with, and it would take too long to list them all. Partially because I wouldn’t be able to remember all the ones that I like.
Television Shows:
I got into Doctor Who back in March. It’s such a great sci-fi show. The writing is incredible, and I love the story lines. There have been a few episodes that I’ve disliked, but that doesn’t stop me from watching it.
David Tennant’s reign ends tomorrow night, and I believe I’ll be saddened to see the end of his acting in that show. But, Sendhil Ramamurthy ( another one of my favourite actors )and David Tennant will star in a new TV show coming up soon. Anyway, I do believe that Rose is my favourite companion to the Doctor, but then Donna came along, and I really enjoy her character too.
I also got into the sitcom How I met Your Mother. I also enjoy this show a lot. It’s fast paced and it’s well written. And not to mention funny.
Back in May, I think it was, I wanted to start watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. I haven’t seen all of the seasons yet, but I think the show is intriguing. It’s also fun to watch it with my dad, because he used to be obsessed with it, so whenever I have any questions, he can answer them.
One Monday, my friends suggested that I start watching the Big Bang Theory. So I went home, and watched it that night, and coincidentally, Wil Wheaton from Star Trek guest starred in that episode. It was in the middle of the 3rd season, but I quickly discovered that it would be a fantastic show to watch.
I’ve also gotten into other TV shows this past year. There’s Time Warp, How It’s Made, Head games. Mostly scientific shows. :D
Invictus, Up, Once, Slumdog Millionaire. There are others, and I would describe why I like them so much, but that would take a lot of time. This year, I’ll start recording which movies and why I like them, so I’ll have a better report at the end of the year.
Stay Tuned: My 2010 resolutions.
Hello Hurricane: Switchfoot. This album came out in November, and it took me a little while to buy it. Actually, I convinced my dad to buy it for me. I listened to it from end to end a few times, and each time was spectacular. I will not tire from listening to those songs. There may be longer lengths of time where I won’t listen to a song, but I will not tire of listening to the album. It’s really a great album. I’m pretty sure all of you readers will agree. Considering the only people who read my blog are from LOBH.
CafĂ©ine: Christophe Willem. He was one of the artists I got into when I was in France. I decided to buy his album at the airport in France before leaving. I listened to the album several times through. Then I found other songs by him not on the album, and I will occasionally listen to the songs on repeat now. It’s a great album.
I got into a lot of other French songs too. xD
Relient K came out with a new album: Forget and not slow down. I haven’t gotten the album yet, but I’m pretty sure I’d love all the songs a lot.
Lifehouse released a new single a few months ago, called Halfway Gone. It’s off their new album, Smoke and Mirrors, which comes out in February. It was going to be released back in early December, but they postponed the date. I do enjoy the new single a lot. :D
There are a bunch of other songs that I’ve fallen in love with, and it would take too long to list them all. Partially because I wouldn’t be able to remember all the ones that I like.
Television Shows:
I got into Doctor Who back in March. It’s such a great sci-fi show. The writing is incredible, and I love the story lines. There have been a few episodes that I’ve disliked, but that doesn’t stop me from watching it.
David Tennant’s reign ends tomorrow night, and I believe I’ll be saddened to see the end of his acting in that show. But, Sendhil Ramamurthy ( another one of my favourite actors )and David Tennant will star in a new TV show coming up soon. Anyway, I do believe that Rose is my favourite companion to the Doctor, but then Donna came along, and I really enjoy her character too.
I also got into the sitcom How I met Your Mother. I also enjoy this show a lot. It’s fast paced and it’s well written. And not to mention funny.
Back in May, I think it was, I wanted to start watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. I haven’t seen all of the seasons yet, but I think the show is intriguing. It’s also fun to watch it with my dad, because he used to be obsessed with it, so whenever I have any questions, he can answer them.
One Monday, my friends suggested that I start watching the Big Bang Theory. So I went home, and watched it that night, and coincidentally, Wil Wheaton from Star Trek guest starred in that episode. It was in the middle of the 3rd season, but I quickly discovered that it would be a fantastic show to watch.
I’ve also gotten into other TV shows this past year. There’s Time Warp, How It’s Made, Head games. Mostly scientific shows. :D
Invictus, Up, Once, Slumdog Millionaire. There are others, and I would describe why I like them so much, but that would take a lot of time. This year, I’ll start recording which movies and why I like them, so I’ll have a better report at the end of the year.
Stay Tuned: My 2010 resolutions.
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