Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Favourite Words

And Now for the next installment of my lists out of however many. :D

What would you guys like to see next? I can make a whole post dedicated to my girlcrushes (Thanks, Amy. :D) or is it time for my dislike list? Or something else?

Be warned, there's a lot. The words in bold signify my absolute favourites from each list.

Abandon, absolution, adelaide, aesthetically, allegory, ambition, aria, aura, avarice, beautiful, boulevard, camouflage, captivate, cascade, chagrin, compassion, contradiction, collision, concur, convenience, correlation, crescendo, distance, effervescent, entropy, extraordinary, fortunate, gazelle, gorgeous, halcyon, horizon, hypothetical, kayak, kiwi, koala, illusion, inertia, infuriating, innocence, intrigue, invasion, iris, lieutenant, lovely, luminescent, macabre, melody, memento, mystify, nonchalance, nonsensical, nuisance, obsession, omnipotent, omniscient, orient, oxymoron, perhaps, permanence, placebo, pseudonym, quaint, quiche, radiant, rhythm, rile, sacrifice, sauna, salubrious, sentient, serendipity, silhouette, spiel, superb, superfluous, svelte, tension, vestige, vortex

I noticed I like a lot of words ending with ‘sion’ or ‘tion’

French words: acacia, accolade, agile, capitaine, façade, ici, renaissance, séance

Some words I don’t like: taut, crush, cumbersome, obsessed

Until next time,

1 comment:

lee said...

yay! hmm. girlcrushes list sounds very intriguing. see i used one of your favorite words! intrigue is also one of my favorites! ^_^