Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Things... I love/that make me happy

*denotes lists in which I’ll break down and go into specifics later in a new post, because they’ll be too long to list in sub bullets here.

Question for you guys: Which list would you like to see next? My dislikes/hate one or a breakdown of one of these? Though you’ll see each of them eventually, it’s just a matter of what order.

-Languages (especially knowing French)
-Music (I’m not going to list my favourite bands – there are too many)
-French music(especially when I find English artists who can also sing their songs in French)
-Messages/Wall Posts/comments/chatting on Facebook
-favourite TV shows*/new episodes of them
-accents (especially French, Welsh, British, Scottish, Irish, and Indian)
-knowing British equivalents to american words and using them. :D
-having the house to myself
-to play my music loudly and sing badly. xD
-Game Nights
-eating/going out with friends
-checking the post and having a handwritten envelope addressed to me
-reading and replying to said letters
-when my handwriting is constantly neat
-when people trust me with stuff/ask me for advice
-drawing hands (something I’m actually decent at drawing)
-When I’m noticed for something
-Sharing things with friends no one else knows
-Inside jokes
-birthday threads on LOBH
-LOBH in general
-October, April and November
-Cloudy Days
-Free Periods
-when teachers go off on tangents/ tell stories
-talking to/getting to know acquaintances
-the BBC
-cinnamon raisin bread
-hearing favourite songs on the radio rather than on my iPod/iTunes/youtube
-when I get to fall asleep to the sound of rain
-taking showers
-good books I can’t put down
-people calling me by a nickname they’ve given me
-Spice Cakes
-The Loft
-The Humane Society
-writing lists/feeling organized
-sleeping/dreaming/remembering my dreams
-numbers ( favourite: 4, 12, 412, 24, 2, 811)
-my favourite words*
-seeing adorable videos for the first time
-Iced Tea with lemon icebreakers. (Too bad I never find them in stores. >.<)
-Yearbooks/Yearbook signing days
-having my shoulders/back/neck massaged
-having my hair played with/back scratched
-having my hair washed/brushed by someone else
-holding hands/hugs/cuddling
-good movies
-This icon

I may add more later. heh

edit: adding some more.

-hanging out with a friend one-on-one. a group hang out is fun, but one-on-one, you get to pay attention to just them and get to know them better.
-finding clothes that I love to wear and I think I look decent in.
-farmer's markets

hm... i'll continue adding to this list, and it's your choice to keep checking back. :P



lee said...

i loved your list! i think i'd like to see the breakdown first before your next list :)

Renae said...

Thanks Lee!
However, there are going to be several breakdowns first.

lee said...

ok! haha breakdownS it is! :P