Thursday, February 4, 2010

My blog project for February.

So, I was planning on starting this on monday. But then I was thinking I wouldn't keep it up, but I do want to blog more.
Anyway, my plan: to post a list I've written each day. and I'm already four days behind. I'll probably need your ideas for lists. It can be anything from the songs I've been listening to on repeat, or what I ate the previous week. I don't know, it can be something for you to get to know me more, and I think it's fun to write lists and to read them as well.

My list for today: 9 Things I should be doing right now instead of being on facebook and this.

1. My Math Portfolio project that's due tomorrow.
2. Two english assignments due tomorrow.
3. Start reading my book for history thats due beginning of March.
4. Start reading Pedro Paramo that we have to read by the 16th.
5. My chemistry assignment that's also due tomorrow.
5. My french assignment due on monday.
6. Read all my other books before they become overdue at the library.
-and the stuff that I should do after doing all of that:
7. write all the letters i have to send soon.
8. Watch Doctor Who ( fourth Doctor )
9. Watch the third series of HIMYM

Tell me what subjects for lists you want to see from me. Otherwise, i'll just come up with ones that wouldn't be as interesting.


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