Monday, August 23, 2010

Senior year... so far.

I'm planning on doing the 30 day challenge starting in September, but I decided to write a blog post now. And I also feel like there was several other lists I wanted to post. I don't recall them right now. Any suggestions before September?

Wow. Senior Year? Seems like yesterday I was posting about Junior Year.

I'm loving this year so far. Even though it's only been four days.

My Schedule? Off, English, TOK, Math, Chem, History and Off.

Which Means I have English, Math and History on Tuesdays, and TOK and Chem on Wednesdays.

My first Tuesday schedule starts tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.

I'm liking where my locker is in relation to everyone else's, so I can easily visit before and after school.

It doesn't seem like I'm running all over the place either with my schedule, so that's good.

I realize that my sentences are very concise, without much detail. Oh Well. heh.

I think this is going to be a great year.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Celebrity Look-alike

Thought it would be fun to post this.

Who do I resemble most your opinion, not the percentage?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Things I dislike

I thought it was time for this list. There aren't going to be any detailed lists based off of this one, at least I don't think so currently. There will be random lists later though, and I'm still up for suggestions.

Things I dislike
-writing on the last few lines of a page. (all my letter receivers will know this. xD)
-shellfish (mainly because I’m allergic)
-The band ICP
-talking to Lily (or anyone, but specifically Lily) on MSN/IM and being interrupted by a family member and their desire to use the computer
-reading great fanfics and being interrupted
-getting comfortable (which is difficult for me to do in the first place) and realizing I need to get up to do something
-long term projects
-shopping for clothes and having none of the articles fit properly
-the fact I can’t sing well without hearing the music.
-bad grammar
-[stealing AmyLynne’s] being late with someone else as the cause
-When I can’t sleep for hours/waking up several times/my random insomnia
-The fact that my hair won’t do anything besides staying straight
-big hooped earrings/gauges (smaller ones are okay)
-the fact that Chelsea Handler talks more than the people she’s interviewing
-eating nuts by themselves
-having food, but not its companion
--(i.e. crackers, but no cheese; lunch meat, no bread; tortilla chips, no salsa, etc)
-Harry Potter’s hair in the movies (closest they got was in the 4th)
-the cybermen
-the fact that Doctor Who writers keep bringing back the Daleks (even though I do like them)
-the word crush to describe liking someone (except in the case of 'girlcrushes')
-when I lose my bookmarks
-the fact my shoulders have been tense (still) from stress over the school year
-when the silver on jewelry fades away to that pink/bronze colour
-when I have my hair up, and it feels like a few strands of hair are keeping it up. It’s painful.
-Ingrown toenails/fingernails. Ingrown fingernails are worse.
-Family Guy/King of the Hill/any of those stupid animated shows. (Simpsons and south park are tolerable)

See ya next time (hopefully!)

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Past Few Days

So, I've had a great past couple of days, spending time with my friends, so I haven't been so lonely this week as I thought I would be.

Tuesday, Amanda took me out for lunch, and we went to her PT appointment, and laughed way more than we should've, keeping her from relaxing. But it was fun. xD And she also bought me my favourite ice cream, because my dad forgot to pick up some for me before he went on vacation with my mom. xD

Wednesday, I spent the night over at Lily's house, which was very fun. We watched three great movies (Then she found me, The Men Who Stare at Goats and Sherlock Holmes) I loved all three. :D Sherlock Holmes, especially, thank you for showing that to me, Lily.

Yesterday, I spent the night at Alyssa's with several other friends which was equally as fun as the previous two days. Apparently we laugh a lot. xD

Today, doctor who was on for several episodes, so we were watching that.

Anyway, you guys will get more lists in the future, I just haven't been posting them lately.

See ya!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Feeling great

Anyway, the first day alone has been great. :D
It was like any other day, like my parents were at work, and my brother elsewhere. Only for an extended time.

I got to talk to a great friend of mine, Jay, for a long while. That was fun. :D
Guess that's what I get to do when my family doesn't want (or rather, can't) go on the computer. I get to talk to friends without interruption.

I want to mention something I didn't in the last post. Friday night, I went to a brilliant concert and had a blast hanging out with friends I don't normally hang out with. Kings of the Cardboard Castle (now Flies with Buffalo), The Tuesday, i.Malibu and Life not our Own were fantastic. Kings and iMalibu have myspaces, if you want to check them out. I recommend it. :D

My friend Lily has her own blog, and she posts some great stuff there, so check it out. :D

I finally made a header! I'm pretty satisfied with it. For someone who doesn't have artistic skills in graphic making, I like it. :D I hope you do too.

I think that's it for now.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Let's see how this goes...

*rubs back of neck* I don't know how to start explaining this.

Well, my brother and my parents are going on their vacation this week. My brother has already been at his friend's house because their plane leaves at 6 in the morning, (~3 hours from now, as I'm currently writing this at 2.55 in the morning of) and my parents are going to leave for their vacation in approximately 40 minutes... and... I'm already feeling lonely.

I think for the majority of this week, though, I'll be fine. It's just right now, I feel weird.

I think I'll update you guys on how this goes throughout the week, and we'll get back to my lists afterwards. Or I'll just post it during, sometime. My updating might even be daily, but don't count on it.

In anxiety, I leave this post.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

By popular demand, I present you...

... My Girl Crushes! :D

and by popular demand, i mean like two or three people.

Click on the image to see it in full view. :D

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Favourite Words

And Now for the next installment of my lists out of however many. :D

What would you guys like to see next? I can make a whole post dedicated to my girlcrushes (Thanks, Amy. :D) or is it time for my dislike list? Or something else?

Be warned, there's a lot. The words in bold signify my absolute favourites from each list.

Abandon, absolution, adelaide, aesthetically, allegory, ambition, aria, aura, avarice, beautiful, boulevard, camouflage, captivate, cascade, chagrin, compassion, contradiction, collision, concur, convenience, correlation, crescendo, distance, effervescent, entropy, extraordinary, fortunate, gazelle, gorgeous, halcyon, horizon, hypothetical, kayak, kiwi, koala, illusion, inertia, infuriating, innocence, intrigue, invasion, iris, lieutenant, lovely, luminescent, macabre, melody, memento, mystify, nonchalance, nonsensical, nuisance, obsession, omnipotent, omniscient, orient, oxymoron, perhaps, permanence, placebo, pseudonym, quaint, quiche, radiant, rhythm, rile, sacrifice, sauna, salubrious, sentient, serendipity, silhouette, spiel, superb, superfluous, svelte, tension, vestige, vortex

I noticed I like a lot of words ending with ‘sion’ or ‘tion’

French words: acacia, accolade, agile, capitaine, façade, ici, renaissance, séance

Some words I don’t like: taut, crush, cumbersome, obsessed

Until next time,