Saturday, December 6, 2008

Your questions have been answered.

1) Do you believe unicorns were/are real?
- In an alternate universe. :D
2) If you could fly to anywhere, where would it be?
- Probably somewhere where I could meet fellow LOBHers
3) You get one pie. What would the filling be in your pie?
- Apple
4) Favourite ice cream?
- Peaches and Cream. Or bunny tracks.
5) Would you ever go skydiving?
- I would. It seems like fun.
6) Favourite place in the world?
- The Humane Society. It’s my kind of therapy. ;P
7) Do you like sushi?
- I did. Then I got allergic to shellfish.
8) What's better - Sunrise or sunset?
- I like the sunset better. Though I would have to say sunrises in the country side are amazing.

9) What's your thoughts on grass?
- Hehe. As random as the “what are your thoughts on applesauce” question that I’ve gotten before. I like grass in the summer, when it’s really green and it’s fun to run through or just lay in. It’s kinda hard to keep up to make it look nice most of the time. And I like it better than rocks in a yard.
10) Are tomatoes a fruit or vegetable?
- I say they're a fruit

Hope that let you get to know me more!
I'll add more answers here as the questions are asked.


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