So, i've decided that I'm going to write an end of the year post. Partly because I have nothing else to write about, and I do believe I should write more in my blog. And the fact that these are fun to write. And I'm writing it today, the twenty-ninth, because I'll be busy tomorrow hanging out with a friend, and then on thursday night with new years plans and such. Anyway, where to begin? Well, I should say that time goes by so fast, because it feels like everything that happened this year is nothing but distant memories. And I'm 16, and I feel like I should start living my life, you know? I should start doing things besides sitting in front of the computer all day because life's too short just to do nothing. Now, I should start listing things that made 2009 so great. and some that were less than extraordinary.
I'm starting in May, because frankly, I don't really remember anything that happened before then. As I said, distant memories.
May 29th marked my one year anniversary in joining the LOBH boards. Before then, I just lurked around but when I joined, I quickly realized that LOBH is a fun place to meet people who have similar interests. I've met some extraordinary people there in this year and a half, albeit not in person. Also, In May of this year, I started writing letters to other boardies. I enjoy writing letters to Emily, Lee, Nova, Rachel, and Michael. Though that last one has taken his time in replying. Hah, I just give you a hard time, Michael. No worries. The snail mail among us is just fantastic. It's more personal, and adds to the fact that LOBH is a close knit group. I think that's what makes LOBH so incredible. We're able to send letters to each other, and we can tell each other things that we can't tell others. Plus, we can talk about Switchfoot all we want without it being annoying. We have great adventure threads, that have died out, but at the time that we do post in them, it's great fun.
Of course, where would I be without my other friends? They are just as incredible as the LOBH boardies I'm friends with. We have such great conversations at lunch and in free period that predominantly confuse the crap out of everyone else. I think the friendship and closeness in our group surpasses any other group. That goes a bit far to say, but I cherish our friendships a lot. You guys know who you are.
June was fantastic. It was full of excitement of myself going to a foreign country, and out of the country for the first time. Up until June 29, I didn't do much of anything for my summer. June 29 is when I left to go to France. My trip there was astonishing. It was such a great experience. I loved both of my families, and they took great care of me while I was there.
July 23rd seemed to come quickly, but I was ready to be home as well. My trip to France proved a great experience, I, with no doubt, will go there again.
On August 11, we celebrated my birthday by spending the day at water world, and going to restaurants the day before and the day of. I think it was a fantastic way to celebrate my 16 years of life thus far.
Exactly a week later, I started my junior year of high school. As the first four months proved to be non-stressful, december definately took a sharp turn into stress. I was so glad to be on break after that month. But I know this next semester will be better, because I've heard that December is the worst month out of all of them. So I know I'll do okay.
Ten days after the first day of school, I lost someone so dear to me. Losing my puppy was really heartbreaking, but we knew it was coming, because she fell 3 weeks before, and wasn't getting better. I really miss her, but I've moved on, and I wasn't going to let her death stop me in my tracks. She will always be in my heart though. Plus, we still have the company of our cat.
My friends and I also started our club Amnesty International at school. It's been successful so far, and I'm pretty sure that it'll continue to be successful.
As december got underway, we gained a lot of stress, as I mentioned before. Finals, Math Papers, History Documentaries, Science stuff, and other school related stuff soon became the only focus that we had. Winter break could not come fast enough.
Then Winter Break came, and relaxation soon after. It was such a liberating feeling, just to be done with the first semester of school.
Christmas came and went, but it was such a fantastic day. :) I always enjoy christmas. I love it when my family spends time together. I mean, not in the sense that we sit around the living room doing our own thing, but in the sense of eating dinner and playing board games together. It's really great.
Now I'm here writing the end of the year blog post. I can't believe how fast this year has gone.
And I don't think that I have anything more to say.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas everyone!
I'ma list the gifts that I got and I'll leave my absolute favourite/sweetest gift I got to the end of this list.
-favourite sweets in my stocking.
-DVD of the 6th Harry Potter movie along with the Marauders Map. It's exciting.
-movies Taken and The Bucket List. two movies that I've seen before, but I still love anyways. I would love to watch again.
-first season of the Big Bang Theory. xD funfunfun.
-board game Fact or Crap. which will be fun to play.
-a new docking station for my iPod. So I don't have to fall asleep with headphones in my ears. I've been needing a new one for several months.
-Raclette. It's a grill with spots to melt cheese under to put over the food. it's really fun. We had it in France, and i told my mom about it, and she found a set at a shop downtown. I just saw the grill part, and I was thinking; oh. it's a grill. then I saw the raclette part, and you should have seen my reaction. oh wow. I was excited. It's a fun dish.
-my dad gave both my brother and I a portable DVD player, since his broke ages ago from overuse.
-other small things
and my favourite: my dad took a picture of Neenae who died back in august and made it bigger. we need frames for it, but it's so bittersweet and I love it. It just goes to show that homemade things/thoughtful things can have a big impact on the receiver. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my other gifts, but this one was sooo sweet.
-favourite sweets in my stocking.
-DVD of the 6th Harry Potter movie along with the Marauders Map. It's exciting.
-movies Taken and The Bucket List. two movies that I've seen before, but I still love anyways. I would love to watch again.
-first season of the Big Bang Theory. xD funfunfun.
-board game Fact or Crap. which will be fun to play.
-a new docking station for my iPod. So I don't have to fall asleep with headphones in my ears. I've been needing a new one for several months.
-Raclette. It's a grill with spots to melt cheese under to put over the food. it's really fun. We had it in France, and i told my mom about it, and she found a set at a shop downtown. I just saw the grill part, and I was thinking; oh. it's a grill. then I saw the raclette part, and you should have seen my reaction. oh wow. I was excited. It's a fun dish.
-my dad gave both my brother and I a portable DVD player, since his broke ages ago from overuse.
-other small things
and my favourite: my dad took a picture of Neenae who died back in august and made it bigger. we need frames for it, but it's so bittersweet and I love it. It just goes to show that homemade things/thoughtful things can have a big impact on the receiver. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my other gifts, but this one was sooo sweet.
Friday, December 18, 2009
I'm done with the first semester of junior year. and the hardest semester of high school at the high school that I go to. It feels sooooo weird to not have any homework at all. The only thing I have to do over break is to read a book for english class, and nothing else. But it doesn't feel like Christmas break. It just feels like another friday, and we're ready to go back to school on monday. It's a strange feeling. I'm actually bored tonight for the first time in months, and I don't know what to do with myself. I can finally read for fun or watch a movie without feeling guilty about not doing my work.
So, after school today, my mom picked me up and we went shopping in Old Colorado City. While in one of the shops, we found this rack of angel dogs. They were dog figurines with halos above their heads. I thought it was the sweetest idea, and I wanted to have one of an Australian Cattle Dog, which was the breed of Neenae who died a few months ago. They didn't have one though, but I thought it was a really precious idea to have an angel figurine of my dog. Now I really want one, pretty much in rememberance of my puppy. really, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about her. but some nights I miss her more than anything else.
Yesterday, I saw the movie Invictus. I thought it was a brilliant movie. It was well made, and I felt like I understood it a lot. If we weren't learning about Africa the past two weeks, I feel like I would not have understood it. I think everyone should take the time to see it, the storyline is fantastic, and Morgan Freeman portrays Nelson Mandela perfectly.
For our psych final, we were supposed to research a topic of our choice. I decided to do mine on depersonalization disorder. it's where people go through the motions of life without feeling the emotion, as if in a dream or watching themselves in a movie. Does anyone feel like this sometimes? Somedays I do, like I'm running on autopilot and my thoughts run on their own. It would be really scary to have the full on disorder, but I think I get minute cases here and there. I thought depersonalization disorder was really interesting to read about, so I thought I'd share it with you guys.
anyways, I'll find more to write about later.
So, after school today, my mom picked me up and we went shopping in Old Colorado City. While in one of the shops, we found this rack of angel dogs. They were dog figurines with halos above their heads. I thought it was the sweetest idea, and I wanted to have one of an Australian Cattle Dog, which was the breed of Neenae who died a few months ago. They didn't have one though, but I thought it was a really precious idea to have an angel figurine of my dog. Now I really want one, pretty much in rememberance of my puppy. really, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about her. but some nights I miss her more than anything else.
Yesterday, I saw the movie Invictus. I thought it was a brilliant movie. It was well made, and I felt like I understood it a lot. If we weren't learning about Africa the past two weeks, I feel like I would not have understood it. I think everyone should take the time to see it, the storyline is fantastic, and Morgan Freeman portrays Nelson Mandela perfectly.
For our psych final, we were supposed to research a topic of our choice. I decided to do mine on depersonalization disorder. it's where people go through the motions of life without feeling the emotion, as if in a dream or watching themselves in a movie. Does anyone feel like this sometimes? Somedays I do, like I'm running on autopilot and my thoughts run on their own. It would be really scary to have the full on disorder, but I think I get minute cases here and there. I thought depersonalization disorder was really interesting to read about, so I thought I'd share it with you guys.
anyways, I'll find more to write about later.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I need your ideas
I rarely write on my blog. Why? I have no clue what to write. That's where you come in. What should I write about? I feel like my life isn't that interesting to post something everyday. If you have any ideas on what I should write, or if you are wanting to know stuff about me, tell me. 'Cause I want to write, but I don't know what to write about. Perhaps I could post my school essays, but those could be easily stolen, and I don't want people plagarizing. But if you guys have any ideas, I'd like to know.
Perhaps I'll write more in the future.
See you around,
Perhaps I'll write more in the future.
See you around,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
aha. I don't want to jinx this...
So, Junior year is going pretty well so far. I'm thinking it's going to be my favourite out of my first 3 years in high school. I would say that we don't have that much work, and that I don't know what other people were complaining about, but I don't want to jinx it, so I won't. But I kinda did say that, didn't I? But it's worse for those who have Environmental Science instead of Chem... apparently that class is horrible right now...
For those of you guys in that class: I hope it gets better for you. :) Because you guys shouldn't be miserable. At least it's only one year, huh?
I don't really know what to say about junior year right now...
For those of you guys in that class: I hope it gets better for you. :) Because you guys shouldn't be miserable. At least it's only one year, huh?
I don't really know what to say about junior year right now...
Friday, August 28, 2009
RIP Neenae October 17th, 2006 - August 28th, 2009
What do you do right after someone dies?
Especially when said someone was your first pet?
I really hope she didn't die painfully.
We gave her three great years she wouldn't have had.
She would've been 11 years old in October.
I don't think it was an infection anymore.
we think it was cancer, but I really hope it didn't take her painfully.
I'm really going to miss her. I love her so much.
I'm really grateful that it didn't happen while I was in France.
We kinda saw it coming though.
My thoughts are all jumbled and I can't even think clearly.
Especially when said someone was your first pet?
I really hope she didn't die painfully.
We gave her three great years she wouldn't have had.
She would've been 11 years old in October.
I don't think it was an infection anymore.
we think it was cancer, but I really hope it didn't take her painfully.
I'm really going to miss her. I love her so much.
I'm really grateful that it didn't happen while I was in France.
We kinda saw it coming though.
My thoughts are all jumbled and I can't even think clearly.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
First Day Back to School. Always an adventure
Despite the fact of the car dilemma this morning, I had a pretty good day back to school.
So, I woke up this morning, on time, may I add, and had no troubles with my morning routine and getting out the door. We left on time to drop my dad at work with 45 minutes left to get to school. It doesn't take that long, normally. But, my dad just had to suggest putting gas into the car. Thus, we did, without problem. But, when my mom gets into the car again to take us to school, the car doesn't start. No power to the car. At all. So, we spent about 20 minutes looking for my dad at my parent's work, only for him to suggest moving the car out of the way of the gas pump. Sure, there's that, but how do my brother and I get to school? My brother and my mom ended up moving the car out of the way, with me taking a Taxi to school. First time experience in a taxi, not so bad. Only Mohinder Suresh wasn't driving. :D Of course he couldn't. The ride to school wasn't bad, as the driver was nice, and we talked a little bit. YAY FOR NO AWKWARD SILENCES.
But, with our dilemma this morning, I was late to school, so I had my mom excuse me from first period ( already?! ) heh.
Then I ended up going to the wrong locker, as I figured out in second period. There was already someone there this morning, and I already put my stuff in the locker.
Skip to second period, because I didn't get to Chem this morning.
Psychology: seems like a fun class! Our teacher, is pretty relaxed and enthusiastic, in a good way. My first impression of the class was good. We talked about why a few desks were turned in an odd way. and why people would move them back, or leave them.
no wrong answers, by the way. :D
Math: good teacher, will be a good class! I could've had this teacher in freshmen year, but I had the other one, who was also good at teaching math.
we read through a powerpoint while seeing some Youtube videos. one of which was really creepy. Look up "Mathemeticious" on youtube.
I have free period after math, so I got my stuff out of the locker I went to this morning, to put my stuff in the actual locker I'm supposed to be in. :D then I went outside, because the library is closed until friday, and it was nice out.
Lunch, which is after 4th period, seemed totally normal to our routine. it seemed so normal to go back to where my friends and I eat lunch.
I have french, 5th period, right after lunch. I'm loving this class already! I have a different teacher than I've had for the past 2 years. Not saying that my last teacher was bad. She's a good teacher. and I'm in a different room than I've been in as well. WITH MORE WINDOWS! and more comfortable desks. the chairs in the last room were so uncomfortable, mainly on the long period days. My new teacher is french, and english is her second language. So, when she speaks in english, she has the french accent, which I like. and I've heard that she's a great teacher as well. I'm looking foward to this class this year. I had to speak in french, about what I did this summer, with the bell ringing right after I'm done. But don't worry, the rest of the class has to speak tomorrow! and I'm done. for about a couple of days. :D I'm horrible at speaking it, but I understand it more.
6th period found me in history class. I like the room and how it's arranged. plus it has carpet and posters all over the walls. I like the atmosphere that carpet gives unlike hard floors. We went over what we're doing this year. ( lots of papers in the mix. ) and checked out our text book.
I'm in english 7th period, and I'm also liking it so far. our teacher, I've been told, tells great stories, and just is an overall friendly teacher.
I've had a good day. I love it when it turns good by the end of the day.
I've been at the library writing this up, because I'm not waiting at the school, because who knows what's happening with the car. >.<
So, I woke up this morning, on time, may I add, and had no troubles with my morning routine and getting out the door. We left on time to drop my dad at work with 45 minutes left to get to school. It doesn't take that long, normally. But, my dad just had to suggest putting gas into the car. Thus, we did, without problem. But, when my mom gets into the car again to take us to school, the car doesn't start. No power to the car. At all. So, we spent about 20 minutes looking for my dad at my parent's work, only for him to suggest moving the car out of the way of the gas pump. Sure, there's that, but how do my brother and I get to school? My brother and my mom ended up moving the car out of the way, with me taking a Taxi to school. First time experience in a taxi, not so bad. Only Mohinder Suresh wasn't driving. :D Of course he couldn't. The ride to school wasn't bad, as the driver was nice, and we talked a little bit. YAY FOR NO AWKWARD SILENCES.
But, with our dilemma this morning, I was late to school, so I had my mom excuse me from first period ( already?! ) heh.
Then I ended up going to the wrong locker, as I figured out in second period. There was already someone there this morning, and I already put my stuff in the locker.
Skip to second period, because I didn't get to Chem this morning.
Psychology: seems like a fun class! Our teacher, is pretty relaxed and enthusiastic, in a good way. My first impression of the class was good. We talked about why a few desks were turned in an odd way. and why people would move them back, or leave them.
no wrong answers, by the way. :D
Math: good teacher, will be a good class! I could've had this teacher in freshmen year, but I had the other one, who was also good at teaching math.
we read through a powerpoint while seeing some Youtube videos. one of which was really creepy. Look up "Mathemeticious" on youtube.
I have free period after math, so I got my stuff out of the locker I went to this morning, to put my stuff in the actual locker I'm supposed to be in. :D then I went outside, because the library is closed until friday, and it was nice out.
Lunch, which is after 4th period, seemed totally normal to our routine. it seemed so normal to go back to where my friends and I eat lunch.
I have french, 5th period, right after lunch. I'm loving this class already! I have a different teacher than I've had for the past 2 years. Not saying that my last teacher was bad. She's a good teacher. and I'm in a different room than I've been in as well. WITH MORE WINDOWS! and more comfortable desks. the chairs in the last room were so uncomfortable, mainly on the long period days. My new teacher is french, and english is her second language. So, when she speaks in english, she has the french accent, which I like. and I've heard that she's a great teacher as well. I'm looking foward to this class this year. I had to speak in french, about what I did this summer, with the bell ringing right after I'm done. But don't worry, the rest of the class has to speak tomorrow! and I'm done. for about a couple of days. :D I'm horrible at speaking it, but I understand it more.
6th period found me in history class. I like the room and how it's arranged. plus it has carpet and posters all over the walls. I like the atmosphere that carpet gives unlike hard floors. We went over what we're doing this year. ( lots of papers in the mix. ) and checked out our text book.
I'm in english 7th period, and I'm also liking it so far. our teacher, I've been told, tells great stories, and just is an overall friendly teacher.
I've had a good day. I love it when it turns good by the end of the day.
I've been at the library writing this up, because I'm not waiting at the school, because who knows what's happening with the car. >.<
Sunday, August 2, 2009
France Trip Journal Entries
Before you read this: a lot of these were written in the present tense, as I wrote it pretty much as it was happening. Just to let you know. If that bothers you, ( and I don’t know why it would ) I’m sorry. Heh. I’m not going to change the present tense into past tense.
And it’ll take a while to read, just a warning. :D
June 29
Woke up at 10:30. Had donuts for breakfast and I went on the computer for awhile. Talked to Mike on Facebook. Posted in the hello/goodbye thread on LOBH. Played Dark Cloud for a few minutes. Left the house. Went to the library. Then went to Red Robin near the Chapel Hills Mall. Ate Caesar Salad. Left red robin around 3:20. Got to DIA at around 4:45. Checked my bag in. got to the gate at 5:45. Walked around our terminal with Erin for awhile. Our plane started to board at around 7:30. Got in to my seat around 8:00.
And you know what? I love being on British Airways. Because the ones pushing the carts around have British accents. I love the way they say ‘ice’ or any other word for that matter. But the saddening thing is that I don’t have a window seat, so I couldn’t take a picture of the sunset at take off. The sprite can that I have is tiny and cute. ( I think I’m the only one to think of that. O.o ) I love that there’s a TV screen in front of each person. I have it on the maps screen currently. Anyways - shall write later.
June 30
I have no clue where to start again with the travel across the time zones and what not. Actually, it’s the 30th in the states, so it doesn’t matter. Well, the rest of the first plane ride was pretty cool. It flew over Greenland and Ireland and Canada, the Hudson bay, Atlantic ocean. I tried to sleep, and kind of forced myself to, but I couldn’t at all. Now, it’s 12:00 in the morning, and I’ve been up for 38 hours. But I really don’t feel tired at all, which is pretty weird. At about 2:00 in the morning ( Colorado time ) we had breakfast ( because it was about 10:00 where we were ) And around 4 in the morning ( Colorado time ) we landed.
We got to the British Airways Airport ( BAA ) around noon. Seriously, haven’t they heard of air conditioning?! I was already hot and sweaty. ( reminder for the next time: always bring a change of clothes ) I felt really sweaty and gross. Then we finally boarded our second place ( I ended up losing my jacket. >.< ) it took us about an hour to get from London to Paris. Got off the plane and headed to baggage claim. And, somehow my luggage ended up on the next plane coming in, so I had to go to the house without a change of clothes ( again, bring extra clothes in carry on! ) the dad, Frank, picked me up. Laure ( my host sister ) was with her horse, Ollisco.
So we went to their stables for a few hours. Came to their house ( soon, I’m going to call it home ) =] I was shown around the house. I’m staying in their older sister’s room until Laure’s younger sister goes to Bordeaux to visit their mom, then I’ll share their room with Laure. Marine’s ( the older sister) room is very lovely. We had dinner once I was shown around. ( we had spaghetti and ham ) I felt so bad, because they gave me a full plate, and I could only eat half of it. I then took a shower. And changed into some clothes of theirs. I came into Marine’s room, and wrote my journal entry.
July 1
At 2:30 this morning, I woke up for no reason. >.< I tried to fall back asleep again. I turned on my sides a lot and listened to my iPod trying to. Then at 5:00, I ended up falling asleep again. I didn’t get up until 1:30 in the afternoon. Others had slept in later, but I felt like I shouldn’t have, so I got up. I had the house to myself for awhile. I took pictures of the room, and watched TV. I ended up on the music channel. Laure and Elise came home while I was doing so. They tried to give me clothes to wear to the dance, but my bag came before we went, so I was able to change into my own clothes. While Laure was getting ready, I went on her computer before leaving for about 20 minutes. We walked to her school, where the dance took place. We got there around 7. For the first 20 minutes or so, no one danced at all. ( we believed it was because it was their first school dance. ) Then everyone started warming up and they started to dance. I found it to be really fun. I hung out with the others that came to France with me. There was a band that played a few songs. At around 11:15, the dance ended, and I went home. Their school looks pretty nice. We ate when we got home, then I got ready for bed.
July 2
Woke up around 12:30, I believe. I went down and got some breakfast for myself. I went back upstairs to get changed. I dressed in jeans in my white t-shirt with flowers. My host father, Laure and I went to the college to reserve a spot for Laure for her next school year. Which they start on September 2nd. ( random fact for you ) I saw Buffeigh while her family was reserving a spot as well, so I talked to her while waiting for my family to get done. We went back home, then ate bread with Nutella and milk. Actually, what’s pretty neat is that they put milk into a bowl, ( can make it chocolate milk, as well ) and they eat the bread with Nutella like dipping cookies into the milk. I think I’m going to pick up this habit at home. Laure and I played monopoly. I lost, but then again, playing monopoly in French is complicated, and I hadn’t played monopoly in ages. We then went to the supermarket. My father told me to choose whatever I wanted to have. Whenever I’m told this I never know what do because I barely ever get to do that and I don’t want others to pay for me. But I got some fruit, these small pizzas and éclairs. Which are really good. Another thing that I’ve experience is that they can leave their cart at the other end of the store ( well, they didn’t, but they did leave it ) and no one’ll take it. I was starting to get worried that someone would take it, and I was about to push the cart around for them then I thought “oh, they’ve probably done this a thousand times, I’ll leave it alone” We came home, had some ice cream that we bought at the store. It started to thunder, but no rain for us. We watched ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ in English with French subtitles, we came back upstairs and we went to bed.
July 3
Woke up at 10:30. Went downstairs and ate bread and Nutella. Again. I love it. Came back upstairs, and started to watch TV, and I wrote yesterdays events and will write my thoughts on some things now.
-- It’s hot. Everywhere. But I’m okay with it. Except when I’m trying to sleep. Then I want it cold. I don’t even need the blanket.
-- there’s two Heroes magazine interviews and I can’t stop staring at it. I want them. But can’t take them. XD
-- there’s no ice. Which is horrible because I love ice. But I’m okay with it as well. And the glasses are small. I love experiencing the French ways.
-- I love the music channel. It’s a mix of French and English songs. And I’m liking a lot of them. I haven’t heard any of my all time favourite bands yet except for my iPod.
today, at around 2:15, went to the pool. I thought it to be really fun. The deepest part of the pool that we were in was 2.10 meters. ( almost 7 feet ) I’ve noticed that the French know how to swim well. Aha. The little kids as well. I don’t know how old they were. They seemed to be around 6-10 years old, and they didn’t hesitate at all around jumping around and doing flips into the pool. It was great to see.
-- I want to live in France when I’m older. I love France a lot already. And I haven’t even been to Paris yet. France had a great first impression on me, I think. I want to live here when I can drive though. There was a lot of walking when we went to the pool. I’d do a lot of walking if I lived here, but I’d also like a car as well.
--I love knowing French. Granted, I’d love to be fluent and understand it when everyone speaks fast, but when I do understand it, I love it. I love being in France and seeing/hearing French everyone. I’m going to learn a lot. But I’ll hate it when I‘ll get home and not be able to practice it. >.< I’m actually looking forward to French class this year, because I’ll know more.
-- it’s easier to breathe. Because Pontoise is a lower elevation ( way lower - 3,000 feet to 200 feet at most ) but there’s a lot more humidity.
-- if I live here, I want to be an English teacher. That way, I’ll be able to speak French and not forget English ( like that would happen though ) or, if I can’t live here, I’ll be a French teacher in the states. Just because French/English teacher on my maybe career list, don’t mean I don’t want to go into medicine anymore. I still do, but it’s just a possibility for both.
-- Later in life, I want to have citizen ship here. I’m loving France, and I’ve only been here for four days. Maybe it’s because it’s a new experience, but still, I love it.
-- I’m not liking the 24 hour clock now. I used to hate it and prefer the 12 hour clock. But since they use the 24 hour clock, I switch my watch to that and am getting used to it.
-- I haven’t met Virginie ( my pen pal from the beginning of the last school year ) yet. It saddens me. I have to when I’m here because I’ll so regret it when I leave if I don’t but I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if Virginie is busy or not. I really want to meet her, and this month is my chance. ‘cause I don’t know if/when I’ll be able to come back.
-- I love how small the streets are. It’s just wide enough to fit 2 cars, at most parts. Mainly it can just fit 1. You just have to pay attention if there’s another car coming.
-- not to self: if walking long distances don’t wear flip flips or skirts. I have a blister on my left foot and rashes at hurt a lot on my thighs. It’ll heal soon, but they really hurt. No more skirts unless wearing a pair of shorts or long underwear.
-- I miss hugs. A lot. But I’ve grown to love “la bise” not that my family does it a lot. But I do like it. But *ahem* there’s a certain someone I really want to hug. Anyways…
Right now, I’ve been writing this and watching the music channel while Laure’s watching something on her laptop.
-- which reminds me, I want a laptop. I shall get a job soon after I get home and buy one. That and pay for a trip to France the next few years. Because I know I’ll want to come back. And a bunk bed. I don’t’ care for a cell phone yet. That, and insurance ( or something to that effect ) for the car, so I can finally learn how to drive. Heh.
-- oh! And a guitar and a new keyboard. There’s a lot that I want to buy.
-- I need chapstick *goes to get chapstick*
-- I also love the French windows. When they don’t close by themselves
-- note:
-- I miss LOBH. A lot. But I take pride in the fact that I’ve been on the computer once in 5 days. And it was only for about 20 minutes. It’s great.
-- NCIS was on in French last night. Only got to watch a few seconds because the TV was turned off.
-- I like my handwriting
-- it’s currently 7:19
-- I missed my moms birthday. But I did wish her a happy birthday when I called home the other night.
-- I’m going to miss France when I leave.
-- Laure’s parents are really nice.
-- France smells different ( not bad, different )
-- Caroline rhea! On Sabrina ( which I’m watching at 7:23 ) well, not watching, but I’m trying to translate the French
--you can tell I wear a watch all the time. Because when I take it off there’s a huge difference in skin tones. It’s funny
-- I want to go on the computer.
-- I don’t know what we’re doing tonight
-- my foots asleep.
-- I don’t know when this went to a ‘random facts list’ instead of ‘my-thoughts-on-various-things-in-France-list”
-- I like the commercials in France
After watching TV earlier today, I went downstairs, and Laure, my host parents were outside. I had a minor sunburn from earlier, and they were so worried about me, and were worried that my sunburn hurt, and Laure put Biafine on my arms. I love this family they always make sure I’m comfortable. It’s great and I love it.
We had dinner soon after that. We ate outside like a picnic. Had steak ( cooked to a medium. Not rare or medium rare, but it was still good ) fish in mustard and salad. Which was really good. I helped clean up then went upstairs. I took some pictures from the window. Then I started to watch Chou Chou. And they couldn’t put it into English, and they were worried that I wouldn’t like it. I love this family.
--next summer, I want to host someone from France. Being hosted makes me want host someone. I’ll have to do convincing of my dad. We’ll see what happens.
July 4
woah. It’s independence day back in the states. And I shouldn’t write when I can’t see. My handwriting is all over the place. Today, I woke up and at 11:45, we went downstairs and ate chicken. ( Mexican, because Laure didn’t want the Indian. XD ) salad and apricot pie stuff. Was really good. Came back upstairs, got dressed and watched TV. Sometimes I forget I’m in France. Mainly because of my dreams. When I don’t wake up in the middle of the night. So last night, I had a dream that I had to go back home for few days. And there was a “come back day” where we were supposed to take a plane back to France. And I kept on thinking that I missed it. Then I woke up, thinking I was back home because of my dream. Then I thought “oh! That wasn’t supposed to happen in real life!” then I saw the bed above me. “okay, I’m still in France. Phew.” heh.
--oh, and another thing. Now bugs. Well, there are bugs everywhere, but no bug bites. It’s great! I was afraid that there would be a lot of biting bugs. I’m so glad there isn’t
-- I think I’m going to like the Celsius scale more like I’m lining the 24 hour clock as well. I don’t have much to say now.. More later.
-- I’m going to Paris tomorrow!
-- we walked to the bus stop, and we took the bus to the stables, we stayed there for about 4 hours. Walked again tot the bust stop, took the bus to another bust stop and walked home. Had a coke, then went to McDonalds. Haha. It looks so different from those at home. It seems fancier, for a fast food restaurant. It’s fun. Came back home and ate the food. Came upstairs, wrote more. I’m so amused. And I’m loving France. I lot.
-- WILLOW TREES! ( remembered what I was going to write ) I see them here a lot. It’s great. There’s one in their backyard. I love willow trees
Before bed, we watched Eragon. ( in French ) I need to watch it again when I get home because I love Jeremy irons’ voice and the French voice doesn’t do it justice. Plus I’m thinking I’m going to buy Eragon ( the book ) in French. I want to read it again in English, and I think that the French one will give me a challenge. Went to sleep.
July 5
I might call her to wish her a happy birthday. Or just ask to go on the computer. Anyway, at around 2:30, I woke up ( again - like it has been for the past few nights. ) from a weird dream. In it, I was at this thing that was only supposed to last a week ( like a camp, but it didn’t feel like camp, but I’ll just say camp ) anyway, there was this one guy going around and killing people ( serial killer, really ) and I was running away trying to hide from this killer, then I was at this hideout, and the killer happened to be there as well, and he was going up this weird looking staircase. ( whitish marbled ) and there was this weird theme park ride in it as well. Don’t know why we went on it. Anyways we were on the stair case and the other people I was with ( don’t know who they were - they were just running away from the killer as well ) so we all were on the first floor and the killer was on the 5th floor ( the building had a lot of floors, it felt like ) and I was leaning against a banister, and somehow, it was loose, and by leaning on it, if ell off and made a huge noise. I started running out of the building, because thought the killer was going to come down, so I was running, and there was this guy running after me trying to calm me down, I reached this other hideout. And there was this person who resembled Sylar from Heroes. But it wasn’t him. Anyway. He was on this chair sitting In front of a computer and I barely knew this guy ( actually, not at all ) and I said “ I know this may sound crazy, but can I hold your hand?” so he let me. And then I asked if he had a hidden room where we couldn’t be found by the killer. He did, and we went through a secret door. It led to a balcony, looking out to the Eiffel tower, all lit up because it was night. ( then I woke up at 2:30 )
[/dream telling]
Then I fell asleep again at around 3:00. I had another weird dream ( wasn’t as weird as the serial killer one) so, I was with lee ( from lobh ) and she was on her laptop. I asked if I could go on it, she let me, and somehow I ended up on my bed in a weird inverted mix of my room and marines room. I was on for awhile. And then Jacob and Dylan ( Jacob’s friend. Not from LOBH ) came in and started stealing all my stuff that I had near me. We ended up fighting, while I was trying to protect my stuff and lee’s laptop. I woke up soon after that.
[end second dream]
I woke up at 11:30. I wanted to sleep in later, but I feel weird sleeping in when everyone else is already yup. Heh. So I got up. Changed in to my pants and put eye shadow on, and wrote this.,
-- shoes: well, when we first come into the house, there’s this room just for our shoes. They only walk around the house barefoot or with slippers.
-- water: their drinking water comes from bottles. I assume they can drink from the tap, but they don’t. they also don’t refrigerate the water, and there’s no ice. But the water isn’t warm, it just isn’t cold.
Paris/ the Eiffel tower is awesome! We climbed the stairs to then 2nd floor. On both floors, there are panels with info of the tower as well as buildings around it. On the 2nd floor, there’s a store and stand for ice cream and water. We took the lift to the 3rd floor. All the way at the top. Looked around at the panels then, and took the lift all the way down. Even if there was stairs going up to the 34d floor, one would have to be crazy to take them. It’s just tiring to take the stairs to the 2nd floor. But I’m glad to say I did it. We got home, and ate dinner. We talked about American TV shows in France. They love house. It’s funny. He h. I met their neighbor afterwards. Watched TV, then came upstairs.
--stop signs: say stop and not arête. Heh.
-- doors: my family likes to have them closed. All the time. Even if they’re not in the room. And! There’s doors for the kitchen and the living room. Went on the computer for about and hour. And went to bed.
July 6
Oh geez. France is doing something to my brain. Because my dreams have been the weirdest that I’ve had. Like last night, there was something about fighting over the space between the mirror and a sink between two other girls, I broke that fight up and then a lot of us had to carpool using two cars. The second time around, it was a certain someone, me, Jacob, Alyssa and Janine. All in the backseat. Before in said dream I tried to tell a certain someone that I fancied them, and apparently he couldn’t comprehend it because apparently, there was a quiz we took on Facebook, and we weren’t compatible on that, so I changed his answers, and then he understood. Hah. Then in the car, I moved my left hand under his right hand, so I could hold it. Then I tried putting my fingers through his, but that’s when I woke up on my back, and his hand was the blanket. Dang it! Heh.
Laure and I walked to the pool. At about 14:00,. Met up with a few friends of hers and Jojo was there as well. Swam until about 17:30./then jojo left, and Laure and I went to Camille’s apartment where I met her mom. Laure’s dad picked us up, and we went home. I was great to have jojo with me at the pool while Laure had her friend because I think I was making her bored on Friday and I’m glad I got to speak in English to someone familiar. I love it. We ate when we got home. Watched Didier. And went to bed.
July 7
I’ve spent a week here! I’ve gotten the hang of things. Like how much walking had been done. I’ve realized that listening to my iPod while waling really helps woke up today. At 10:40. Saw Mosique in the sisters room, then I went downstairs and ate break fast. Right now, it’s cloudy and I love it! It’s the coolest it’s been so far. Actually, when I was coming up here, I was wanting it to rain, and the first time it did was when I was in outdoor pool. Haha. I want to rain when I’m a home geez. =D I want to watch Gilmore girls. And I’m missing jeopardy and SYTYCD. Oh well. I’ll see it when I get home.
After eating breakfast, I came upstairs and read the Pontoise magazine and did Sudoku. I love the French pronunciation of my name. I’m going to miss it when I go home. Heh. It’s raining, and it’s cold, and it feels good! I’m loving it a lot! If only it were cold when we are walking somewhere. YAY CLOUDS! I have a tan! Hah! Usually I’m so pale. But my arms are tan! Yay! I have a little figurine of the Eiffel tower! I wanted one when we went there on Sunday, but I didn’t have any euros, but now I have one. I love it and it’s the right size that I wanted as well.
So today, Laure and I pretty much relaxed at home for awhile. I watched TV while she was on the computer. [ah, dinner is smelling really god] I watched the music channel. Michael Jackson videos were played. And some of them were weird. Beat it wasn’t played! Darn. At about 5:00, we went to see Ollisco. Stayed at the stables until about 10:00 came upstairs, and I wrote this., I’m really tired. I’m usually never this tired at him this early. Maybe it’s because I’m getting up earlier and going out and doing things during the day rather than staying home doing nothing. I’m liking it, actually. And I’m loving the way dinner is smelling right now. I’m hungry. And I want my letters from lee, nova, Emily and Mellie. But I wont get them until I go home. So, a week isn’t enough time to stay in France. I haven’t even seen the Champs Elysees ( which I’ll see tomorrow night! ) or the l’arc de triomphe.
I say the way I’m experiencing France for the first time is the way to go! You can’t just come for a few days just to see the Eiffel tower and shop a little, you have to spend more than a week here and experience the French ways up close. Eat authentic French food, hear French, speak French, etc. I f you were with other tourists, they’d speak the same language as you. You have know some french and hear it all around you. My way is the way to go, I say. And I want dinner to be done! It smells good. *sniffs*
Aha! Dinner was good. They were Croque- Monsieurs ( grilled cheese with ham, basically ) I love it. Laure was done before I was, so she went upstairs while I stayed downstairs with the dad and his wife. And she came into the kitchen, looking tired, and the dad asked if she was tired, so she tried saying it in English, and had to ask me how to pronounce it. So I did, and it was amusing to see her try to say “I‘m tired“. She thought it was funny as well. Then I went upstairs and went to bed.
July 8
12:10. Got out of bed at. 11:30. Petted Mosique in marine’s room. Went downstairs, ate bread and Nutella. Came back upstairs. Woah. Realized that I went to write in my notebook, and I didn’t’ have that much to write. Relaxed a little bit at home. Went to see Ollisco. Rode him for a little before falling off. Came home. Relaxed in her room. Did Sudoku. Ate went and waked down the Champs Elysees. It was amazing! I’m so glad I got to see it at night where everything was lit up. Then afterwards, we went to a ‘Quick’ fast food restaurant. Then after coming out, the Eiffel tower was all lit up like a sparkler. Got a few pictures and a video. Came home, and went to bed.
July 9
woke up at 12:00. Laure put Mosique next to me, so I petted him for awhile. Went downstairs and had breakfast. Pretty much did nothing for awhile. 20:25 Ate lunch, then took the bus to a horse supply shop. Walked across the street to a McDonalds. Stayed there for a few hours waiting for Laure’s dad. Had sundaes, coke and fries. Came home. And upstairs.
-- I’ve decided I want to learn Russian. Along with Tamil. Why do I want to learn the languages with different written characters? Maybe they attract me. Because I would love to know them. Maybe there’s classes at the college I’ll go to.
-- I don’t want to leave this house. I like it. A lot. I love the family. I love how small the kitchen is. I love the living/dining room.
-- if I live in France when I’m older, I wouldn’t live in Paris. I think I would in Pontoise.
-- I want a bunk bed. With a laptop.
-- I’m getting something or my birthday. I thought I wouldn’t because France was expensive, but I will.
-- again with the random facts lists.
-- I like the song Laure’s listening to. I don’t know what the title is though.
-- I like eyelashes/ eyes and hands. I love seeing people hold hands. And I love when people are hesitant in trying to hold another’s hand. Plus I like it when two people are walking side by side and their hands brush the other but they’re too hesitant to hold it because thy aren’t sure of what the other will think.
I love showers. a lot. A little while ago, I took one, and after I was done, I combed my hair and stood in front of the open window. And it was great to feel the cooler air like that after it being so warm the first few days I was here. I love the feeling of being clean. I love my hair after a shower. It doesn’t get that oily, but still. I love it when it’s soft rather than smooth. ( because that’s when it’s become more oily )
-- I think ‘ici’ is my favourite French word. I don’t know why. But each time I hear/see it, I like it a lot. Allons-y is Janine’s favourite because of *ahem* Doctor Who. But ici is mine. It’s so simple. I like simple. But I also love complication. I like a lot of things.
-- I really want to talk to a certain someone. But I can’t. and I really want to hold his hand as well.
July 10
Woke up. Worked on a Sudoku. Got dressed, at breakfast. And took the bus to see Ollisco. Stayed for about 4-5 hours. Ate a snack when we got home. Watched TV for a little while. And came upstairs.
--I’m bored. And I’m hungry. And I’m actually cold. I like the fact I need to use a blanket.
-- since I’m bored. I just might go down stairs and watch DPS for the fourth time. Hah. Or I’ll just finish my Sudoku book.
I went downstairs, and watched a little bit more TV. I brought DPS down with me, thinking I would watch it. But then the French versions of family feud and amazing race were on. And CSI new York. Then the dad and the step-mom came home. They and I ate dinner, Laure came down a little while later. I love the step-mo. It’s great when she wants to learn the English pronunciation of a word. And she’ll try to say it, and she’ll laugh because she thinks the way she says it is funny. And then you can tell that she and the dad love each other by the way they look at the other. Like the way I look at a certain someone. I love that look. It makes me smile. A lot. Tonight, I taught the step-mom ‘sparkling’ and ‘water’ and she could say ‘Jacob’ right off the bat. And she wanted to know how old my parents are and she turned to the dad to ask, then he told her to ask me. ‘your parents’ and ‘how old are they’ I love teaching them out to say the English words. I just wish that they would ask me more often. That would make me happy. Oh1 tonight. I tried foie gras. It was better that I thought it would be. I thought it would be disgusting, but I like it. And I drank wine as well. And they gave me the small cake as well. And I also had café au lait. I like it. Ahh.. I don’t want to leave this house on Monday. I like it too much. But then I’ll meet more people and stay with Alexia. And know her way of living. But I’ll mist this family. They’re funny. But I can email them.
July 11
Woke up. Went downstairs. Ate cereal. Laure and her dad came home right as I finished. Went upstairs. Did pretty much nothing. ( worked on my Sudoku. ) went downstairs into the kitchen. Smells like waffles. But I don’t think it is. But it smells good. I get to meet marine today. ( she’s the older sister ) because she comes home today. Woah! I just realized that I turn 16 in a month. Wow. Heh. that’s exciting. And sometimes I’ll know a French phrase well, and when someone says it, I’ll think they said it in English because my brain translated it so quickly.
I AM BORED! I don’t know if I can go downstairs to watch TV because the sofa is still made into a bed. I don’t know where the parents are. There’s strawberries on the kitchen table. I haven’t been on the computer in a week. I’m proud to say that actually. Wow. It’s 2 in the afternoon and all I’ve done is work on Sudoku and eat breakfast.
-I want to go on the computer
-I want my Tamil book. Or a Russian one
-Oi. I’m bored. I want to talk to someone on face book.
-I want to write letters back to those letters I’ll have at home
-I like being in France
-I’m hungry
-I want to charge up my iPod, camera and razor.
-I wish I had inspiration to write a story.
-Maybe ill write a list.
-I’m BORED! I’ve said that 3times.
-My wrist hurts. I’ve sprained it too much.
I hurt my left foot the other day like I have before. For the 4th time.
1= basketball in 8th grade.
2. Falling down the stairs in 7th
3=soccer in 9th grade
4= here in France ( tripped into a small pothole)
Hey, there’s my list.
-I really feel like someone who I know’s birthday is today.
-I don’t want to write ‘I am bored’ again.
Ate dinner ( or something between lunch and dinner, it was around 1 )
Then we went to get marine. I met the uncle, the aunt, the cousins, and the grandparents. It was kind of overwhelming to be around that much French, but I was barely spoken to, so it was good. Had cake there, and came back home. I’m bored again. Don’t know what everyone’s doing at the moment.
It smells like waffles again. I love the smell.
As I said before, I don’t want to leave this house. But maybe it’ll be good.
I’m bored! Once more. 5 times today. Oi. Not cool. Nothing to do.
-- I want to watch Gilmore girls. And eat. I’m hungry.
Shortly after I wrote the last bit, Laure and I listed to music on the laptop while singing along together. It was nice.
Then we went downstairs, and ate strawberry crumble ( that’s why I was smelling waffles! ) it was really good. And had bread with eggs, and pineapple. I called home. And talk to mom for a bit. I came upstairs, and changed into my pjs and brushed my teeth. And who wants to be a millionaire, ncis, and Amazing race were on. I watched a little bit of each. Laure looked through the artists on my iPod. She likes a few of them. Then she went past queen, and then she called dad in. then he was trying to remember the name of the singer, so I said it. Then Laure and the dad started to sing ‘We are the champions’ I found it to be so amusing.
July 12
Woke up before 11 today. Went downstairs and ate cornflakes and bread with jam. Had coffee as well. Went upstairs and on the laptop since Laure was with Ollisco. Then we went to Paris and walked around. We saw the Sacre-Coeur cathedral. We couldn’t take pictures in it though. On the walk down, I went into one of the shops and bough a postcard for Rachel, magnetic for mom, earrings and a bag. Came home, and wrote this. We’re having Raclette tonight.
--I’m so not a tourist here! Because I’m living with a French family, speaking French, and I didn’t came here just to see the monuments. Hah. I win.
-- I love loopholes.
I wrote Rachel in the postcard, because she wanted one. And now, CSI Miami is on. Horatio is my favourite in this one. Mac is my favourite in NY. I don’t know about LV though. And I’m hungry! We’ll eat soon. I’m tired as well. And I would love an ice cream. Or ice.
We went downstairs and ate Raclette. It’s really yummy. There was potatoes, and they don’t eat the skin, so they thought it was weird that I did. There’s potatoes, ham, pickles, sausage, and the cheese. I love it. I hope I can show Raclette to my family when I get home. If not, they’re missing out. You know what… since it’s 6:40, and too early to fall asleep, I’ll go through the french/English dictionary and write down my favourite words. ( that didn’t really last long. I didn’t get past the ‘a’s )
Ah. I leave this house tomorrow around this time. I will miss it. A lot. But I’ll be okay. But I can’t wait to see more of a french experience. Because I’m sure that my next family will have different rituals and such.
Still to early to sleep. I want to do that, because Laure might go see Ollisco in the morning, and I can go on the computer then. Anyways, while we were out earlier. I saw a guy that looked like Sendhil Ramamurthy from the side, therefore, I found him attractive. Heh. And! I want to read a really good marauder fanfiction. And the French can’t pronunciate the ‘th’ in words. It’s funny to hear when they say English words with the ‘th’ sound.
Aha. I can go to sleep soon. So, earlier, I did more Sudoku puzzles. Then I tune on Laure’s TV, and the last 8 minutes of the Dark Crystal was on, but the channel wasn’t getting a signal, so I went downstairs to watch it. Then I wasted some more time watching the TV. Then I had some chocolate milk ( Yay freedom! [/inside joke]) and came upstairs . I haven’t seen marine at all. ( well, I have, a bit ) it seems like she’s been in her room all this time and never comes out. maybe she does when the rest of the family isn’t home. Oi. *brushes teeth* gah. More Sudoku
July 13
12:33. Woke up. Went downstairs, had corn flakes with orange juice. Then went on the computer for awhile. Because Laure isn’t here right now. I have 172 deviations to go through when I get home
14:19 I went on the computer again after seeing that nothing was on the TV. Plus, Laure’s TV doesn’t have a signal right now. Oi. So I charged up my iPod. ( Yay! 1 of 3 done ) read Sarah’s blog, posted a note on Facebook. Laure came home shortly after I went on the computer for the 2nd time. And she seemed bored. So I gave the laptop back to her. I’d rather be bored myself that make others bored. Oi. Sitting in one position too long makes muscles sore. Need to stretch.
15:43. Aha. Laure’s watching the 1st Harry Potter movie in French. Woah. Hp6 comes out on Wednesday. Anyways, I went downstairs to find something to eat, but then the step mom cam and made us food. I had really good strawberries. Omgosh. Were they good. Oh noes. I leave in a few hours to go to Alexia’s house. But I’ll be okay. I love it when my iPod charged. And I really want a marauder fanfic.
I’m tired. Why am I so tired lately? Sheesh. I’ll work on a Sudoku and finish the book so I can start my other one.
12:10 AM
so the move took place. I was about to have a coffee with the dad when Alexia and her mom came to take me to their place. And then we were all downstairs and a I gave Laure her t-shirt and her dad the Colorado coaster and the mini statue of liberty. he appreciated them very much. Then, we went to the girls apartment. Then had a lot of food for dinner. Pizza, salad, fruit, potato/ham salad, chicken. ‘twas a lot of food. Then I had a piece of cake and coffee afterwards. Then after Alexia’s sister, Lele, asked me for my camera to charge it up. Then I realized that my backpack was still at Laure’s house. Which meant I got to see them again ( I’ll get so see them before I leave - YAY! ) win. Anyways, I got my backpack, then we came back to the apartment. And went outside in the yard. It has a slide and one f those rocking chair things. [and omgosh does this family laugh a lot] then we went and saw fireworks. They’re loud, yes, but pretty. And then we came back and got there at around midnight. I’m tired. But we’ll be up for a little longer. I’m okay with it thought. I like this apartment. But oi, how I’ll miss Laure’s house. I miss it already. And the family. But at least I’ll see them again. I’m glad for that. And this family speaks a lot of English. The sister speaks in English to me. The mother as well.
July 14 Happy Bastille day! Well… what can I say? I’ll just go write what we did today. So, I woke up, and I watched the parade on the TV and had breakfast. Then we went to the pool. Came back to the apartment a few hours later. Then I went on the computer for awhile. Then their neighbor came and had us watch her baby. The baby spat up on me. >.< aha. Now I can say that a baby has. Then, myself and the mom went to the dance thing and watched the people there dance. Then we came back and ate. We got these egg rolls from this small Asian shop. Oi. Now I’m missing my first host family. I’ll write a list of all the things I miss on the next page. Because I think it’s going to take a whole page. I miss it that much. T_T I’m not saying this family is worse, I’m just saying I miss the other family immensely.
21:45. Ahh I knew it would take more that page! Oi. There’s a lot that I miss. ( I’ll post it here, if you’d like to read it, but I think it would be boring to someone other than me )
July 15
22:38. Woah this is the first time that I’ve had to write at the end of the day in awhile. So, I woke up around 11:40. And ate breakfast. Then the sister woke up. I watched TV for awhile. Then the mom and I went to the store., then came back to the apartment ( notice how I don’t say home? ) then we all went o a carnival. I WON A REMY FROM A CRANE GAME! YAY! First time I’ve won something from a crane game. I’m happy. Then we went back and had food. And ice cream. Then we watched take., which is good. I love it. Oh! Today, we had croque-monsieurs, and I made a bet to myself that I would like frank’s ( first time I’ve written his name, but it’s faster than writing Laure’s dad all the time, but not faster than needing to explain it ) better than the moms. I did. I miss their home! Gah. And smallville is on right now, but I can’t watch that channel. But fringe and hell’s kitchen will be on in a bit, so I’ll watch that. Before I went to bed, I watched my Lifehouse DVD and the sisters came into the room, when Spin was playing and asked me what I was watching, and I handed them the case. Then you and me came on.
Lele’s reaction: “OH PUTAIN, IL EST BEAU” aha. Then we watched the whole DVD again.
July 16
Woke up around noon. Then got up, and opened the window, and had breakfast. Then watched TV for awhile. After, we went to the pool, again. Honestly, I didn’t want to. But if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to stare at this wonderfully attractive guy. I decided to go watch the people dive into the pool, and he was one of them. I wish that I could speak French fluently, So I could go and talk to him. Because he was really attractive. Heh. Then we came back to the apartment and watched TV. And, without my influence, Alexia put my Lifehouse DVD in a played it. YAY! Go new Lifehouse fans! Aha. Then we had dinner. And then I went on the computer for awhile. I watched TV, then turned the channel onto one that had a scientist show like CSI on. Then I found another person attractive on that. Ha. Geez. Quite honestly, I’m getting bored. Maybe it’s this house. But I kind of do want to go home. Like my mom said. But maybe I wouldn’t want to go home if I were still at my other house. Hmm… I want to see them again. Ah.
I want to charge my iPod. And I think the mom here doesn’t like me. But I don’t care. And I don’t feel the urge to help her like I did my other house.
I’m hearing rain! ( because it’s raining, duh xD ) I’m happy.
Today’s good things:
-saw an attractive guy
-found favourite French TV series.
-it’s raining.
July 17
no! I have only 6 days here left. Because the 23rd isn’t a day at all because I leave in the morning. I woke up today at around 7, because I think the cousins were running up and down the hallway. But I was able to fall asleep again and wake up at 11:40. Then we all had breakfast. 7 people all around a medium sized table is hectic, but fun. And then the aunt had bags to sort though. And organize and everyone was runny around the place, so I just sat back and watched. Then that was sorted through, then it was just me and alexia at the apartment, and we watched TV for awhile. And the rest came back, and we then had lunch. Then we all left, and went to the mom’s aunt’s house then we all left to go to the carnival again. It was fun. And Christopher ( I have no idea what relation he is to the sisters, or how old he is ) kept on asking if I was doing okay, and even today me I’m beautiful. Woah… it’s weird to have a guy pay attention to me like that. And when we were head back to the apartment, he asked if I wanted to ride back in his car. I decided to do so.
July 18
woke up around 12:40. Wow. Oh so close to 1. I hate sleeping in that late. Then I had breakfast. Then alexia and Lele went out and did something with their father. I stayed at the apartment and watched take, again. Only this time it was in French. Good thing I watched it in English the first time because I wouldn’t know what was going on. Then I watched virgin17 afterwards. It was ’dans le mp3 de…” of Calogero. There’s radiohead, coldplay, the cure, the beatles. Now I think we’re supposed to go out and do something, but the mom left, and I don’t know where she is. And I’m tired and I want to go to sleep and have a fantastic dream. Because I’m tired of being awake in this house. I need stimulation. My brain might fall asleep soon because I need to be doing something. I would listen to my iPod but the battery is low again. I’m really tired of being in this apartment. I want to be at the other house. Because it’s Saturday and everyone should be home. I doubt I’m going to meet Virginie, which is really saddening. Oi. I really want to. I love how my thoughts go from one another randomly. I’m tired. I want to listen to Berlin by Christophe Willem again. I enjoy that song. We went to someone else’s house. And we had pizza, and watermelon. Then other people came. Then we all went to the carnival again. 3rd time there. Then Christopher was there, and as we were walking along, he told me he loves me. Okay. It was really flattering to hear, but it was so weird. As he only met me yesterday. I believe that he thinks I’m beautiful, but I don’t really think he loves me. It’s so weird to have someone think of me as beautiful and tell me they love me. O.o
I’m so tired. I can not wait to fall asleep. But I want a shower first., wow. I still can’t get over the fact that Christopher ’loves’ me. Holy crap. And am I sore. My back, my shoulders my arms. How want… oi…
July 19
we pretty much did nothing today. Because I stayed in my pajamas. So Annie, ( the neighbor ) brought her baby over, and we watched her for a while. The baby is really cute. Which makes me want a baby ( not at 16 - that would be crazy. Or 17. Not until I‘m at least 20 ) or to baby-sit. But I hate it when they scream really loudly. >.< which reminds me, I want to make a pet peeves list. ’cause I know I have a lot, but when people ask me what they are, I always forget. Then later in the day, doctor who was on. I only watch about 5 minutes of it because I didn’t understand what was going on. And in the evening, the first Harry potter movie was on. Hogwarts is “poudlard” and the house names are weird. I watched that, and fell asleep afterwards.
July 20
Happy Birthday Mary! Only you’re not going to see that. Aha. We’re going to the pool again today. I don’t want to. But I don’t want to say I don’t want to. So I’ll just suck it up. But you don’t know how happy I am! Guess where I’m going Wednesday and guess who’s taking me to the airport! Yay! I get to see them again!!! And not for just a few hours, but a night and little more in the day! Who! I’m happy! I do love the sisters here though. Bu, oi, the mother. *dislike* but she doesn’t need to know that. Unless she reads this. Her English is pretty good, so I’m sure she’d understand what I’m writing. >.< I’m excited. Not for the pool today though. That place is boring when I don’t have anyone to talk to. Well, there’s alexia and the mom, but I don’t know what to say when I’m with them unless something comes up that I can contribute to, so we’ll see what happens. But there’s a picnic tomorrow. And I go to Laure’s on Wednesday! YAY! I like this place, but I’m thinking I like Laure’s house more. Hmm… I think Wednesday will be my last chance to meet Virginie. But I haven’t gotten an e-mail from her since I last sent her one… I like my handwriting today. Maybe it’s the pen…
18:00 my nails are no clear of all nail polish! Yay! Now I won’t have nail polish on them for awhile because I like them clear. Anyways, we went to the pool. And unfortunately, no attractive guys. Darn. Oh well. The pool wasn’t that bad. Secret story is on again. I don’t get this show. Maybe I would like it if I knew what was going on, but I don’t.
We ate dinner, then Annie brought Anais over for a little while. I held her the most because Alex was using her cell phone and Lele was on the computer which I want to go on. And there’s nothing on the TV to watch right now so I’m writing in my notebook. And I want a hug!! So badly. It’s worse when I’m trying to sleep. I don’t know why though. Maybe because I want to feels someone’s arms around my back/shoulders. I miss hugs. A lot. One of the reasons why I want a certain someone here. Aha. I love how I say a certain someone and not his actual name. I hate when my hands are sweaty. When I’m writing. It makes the pages a all weird. Okay. I’m going to right my pet peeves list. ( If you’d like, I can post that as well, I just don’t feel like typing it up right now )
July 21
I just realized that tonight is my last night here. Because I go over to Laure’s house tomorrow. So today, I woke up around 11:40. Then had breakfast. Then watched the music channel again. Aha. Then came into the room and found the clothes I’m going to ear today. Then wrote in my notebook. And it’s almost 3:00 in the afternoon. Wonder how I can do nothing for hours… and again with the sweaty hands. Dang it. It’s warm today. I need to wash my hands with cold water soon. So they’ll not be sweaty so I can write more comfortably. I can not wait until tomorrow. Well, more tonight, because I like sleeping. So I can’t wait until tonight when I take a shower. And go to bed. But that isn’t until around 10 which is in about 7 hours. I can’t wait to be at their house again. I get to see Mosique again and the day the step mom, Laure. All the rooms. Basically everything I put in my things I’m miss list. Aha. I’m happy. Hmm… maybe I’ll take a shower. Before I get dressed, so u don’t gave to take one tonight. But I’ll take one tomorrow night. My hand is cramping up again. I CAN NOT WAIT. I’ll stop writing now.
Actually, I have nothing to do, so I’ll write. But the problem is, I have nothing to write. Or I don’t know. Alexia’s in the bathroom, so I can go in there just yet. And I don’t know what time the pic nic is. So I’ll probably be taking a shower tonight. And I want to go on the computer but I doubt the mom will let me because I think I’m right in her disliking me. But I don’t care. Cause Laure’s dad adores me. What now? I feel sweaty. I hate feeling sweaty. 21:25. Aha. The pic-nic was good. Well, we got there, and we didn’t se anyone else for awhile. And then we found them. I talked to jojo for awhile. And then we ate. ( which I did with alexia and here mom and Madame ) then, I went and sat with Erin until she got done eating. Then we stood up and talked for awhile. Then Madame came over and told us to see what everyone else was doing, then we talked more while walking. Woah. We talked a lot, actually. I’ve realized that tonight was the first we actually bonded. I mean, we’ve talked at the airports before, and we knew who the other was before. And said hi after school. But we actually, talked. About the guys we find attractive, things about France. It was good. I can now actually call her good friend instead of a good acquaintance. I like it. I always love getting to know someone like that. Then we came back to the apartment. I’m happy. It’s not just because I’m going to Laure’s house again tomorrow. Annie brought over Anais again. Geez, she’s so cute. the mom didn’t let me use the fan. >.< it took me longer to fall asleep.
July 22
oh my goodness. My last day has been pretty good. So I woke yup around 11:30. Wow. Sunlight wakes me up so much more efficiently than artificial light. At least the mom kept the window open to let the air in during the night. Then I had breakfast. The same thing I’ve had for pretty much the last week. Then I watched music videos on virgin17 while the mom was cleaning the whole apartment. Then alexia and Lele said bye to me. Alexia said we’d talk over e-mail. Then the mom took me back to Laure’s house! Laure opened the door. The dad and step mom weren’t home, so we went upstairs to her room. I thought “wow, how I’ve missed this place. I don’t know why I ever left. Oh, that’s right. I’m nice and alexia wanted someone to host. But wow, am I really happy to be in this house one last time.” oh! And another thought. They kept the things the same way I left seeing. Like, my bed still have my covers on it the same way I left it. ) the microwave moved a food over, Haha ) we watched TV in her room for a little while. Then I ate. Then watched TV in the living room. Karma police was playing when Laure turned the TV on. Mosique was in his chair, so I visited him for awhile. I think he missed me. Then Laure and I took the bus to the stables. I’m going to miss that place. It was annoying to go to before, but I’m going to miss it. I enjoyed visiting it again. We stayed there for a few hours. Then ( guess who! ) came and picked up. We were walking to the car and the dad wave to me, so I waved back. He said in the car, but kept is door open so he could ask me how I was doing “tres-bien” I siad “et toi?” “oui, ca-va” then I got into my place in the car. The left seat in the back, as always. How I missed being in that car. Wow. Then we got to Laure’s place. Got out of the car, and the dad tuned back to me held his arms lout like he was going to give me a hug, and gave me la bise. He was really happy to see me again, I think. Then we walked into the house, and I put my shoes in the closets. And then, the dad took two boxes down from the cabinet and said “c’est pour toi” he told me to open them to see what they were
1: a picture frame, with the Eiffel tower
2. Pretty much the same idea with two candle holders.
I wasn’t expecting anything ( well, I was, kind of, but it was something small, such as a bracelet - but not two gifts ) it almost made me cry, honestly. I love the gifts. Then we went downstairs to eat. How I’m going to miss eating dinner here. I’m about to cry writing this, actually. Then we had more apple tart. And had a conversation with Laure and the dad about Harry potter and the different names between the French and English versions. Then we went upstairs. We were going to watch the 3rd Harry potter movie ( hence the hp conversation ) but it didn’t work in Laure’s DVD player. >.< so I took a shower, and wrote in my notebook. I’m so glad I’m back here again, but unfortunately. I leave tomorrow morning. I’m so sad. I don’t want to leave this place. I love it too much. But I’m ready to go home ( I really am a contradiction in myself ) I’m ready to see Neenae ( my dog ) again. Even I missed Mosique after not seeing him after a week. Imagine how I miss my own puppy. Now I’m watching this weird French game show. I was ready to go to sleep, and I turned off the light, and got into the bed. I was lying, on my back, staring at the bed above me, still with my glasses on, then Laure poles her head over the side. And told me that she would leave before I woke up, and said au revoir, then bonne nuit. Then I just started crying because I knew it wouldn’t see her for a long time. And it was just saddening to say goodbye so early.
July 23
Today has been so saddening. So I woke up a little before seven when Laure was getting dressed. I couldn’t fall back asleep, so I went on the computer and sent e-mails and went on face book. Then I went to the bathroom got dressed, and packed everything that I needed. Then I was standing at the top of the stairs, and unknowingly, dad was standing at the bottom, and looked up and said bonjour to me. Then we had breakfast. I had crepes and coffee that he made fore me. =) then went upstairs, and made sure I had everything ready. Then as he was, he pointed to my backpack and gave me a mischievous grin. Then I watched virgin17 for an hour. Then we got ready to leave. We got to the airport about 40 minutes early. So we parked somewhere else, and we sat there fro awhile. Then we went inside the airport. He rolled my suitcase along for me. Then he pretty much said bye as we got to the gathering place.
It took me all of me not to start crying. And I regret not giving him a hug. He told me we still had e-mail to talk and send pictures. I started talking to Erin, because she was standing near where I said bye to the dad. We stood there for a while, then we checked in our bags. Went through customs, then sat down at our gate. There was a virgin17 shop near our gate, so I automatically wanted to buy something. Because I’ve been wanting to buy music this whole trip. I ended up buying Christopher Willem’s CD and a camera case. And as I was checking out, the cashier pointed to my CD and said, “you do know this is in French, right?” “yes” there’s no way I’m going to buy and American CD in France. Ahah. Then Erin and I got food at sandwich stand. Then our plane boarded. I sat by Dannae and Sophia again like the first time. I almost started crying again, looking down at the ground while flying. Then Dannae was talking to me to keep my mind off of that. Then we got to Heathrow’s airport. And went though check in there. We had to take a bus to our plane. We boarded it from the ground, which I found to be quite awesome. I ended up sitting in the middle between jojo and Buffeigh. Buffeigh and I pretty much talked the whole time. And I think we because good friends. It was great. I love talking to someone new like that. We arrived to the airport in Denver. And we all got our bags and went through that. And everyone met up with their families. Which kind of signaled the end of our trip. Oh man, I miss France a whole lot. My family when out to eat. I only wanted a Soda, because I wasn’t hungry. We stayed there for two hours, catching up, and talking about my trip to France.
Time it took to type this up: 4 hours and 9 minutes.
And I type fast.
And it’ll take a while to read, just a warning. :D
June 29
Woke up at 10:30. Had donuts for breakfast and I went on the computer for awhile. Talked to Mike on Facebook. Posted in the hello/goodbye thread on LOBH. Played Dark Cloud for a few minutes. Left the house. Went to the library. Then went to Red Robin near the Chapel Hills Mall. Ate Caesar Salad. Left red robin around 3:20. Got to DIA at around 4:45. Checked my bag in. got to the gate at 5:45. Walked around our terminal with Erin for awhile. Our plane started to board at around 7:30. Got in to my seat around 8:00.
And you know what? I love being on British Airways. Because the ones pushing the carts around have British accents. I love the way they say ‘ice’ or any other word for that matter. But the saddening thing is that I don’t have a window seat, so I couldn’t take a picture of the sunset at take off. The sprite can that I have is tiny and cute. ( I think I’m the only one to think of that. O.o ) I love that there’s a TV screen in front of each person. I have it on the maps screen currently. Anyways - shall write later.
June 30
I have no clue where to start again with the travel across the time zones and what not. Actually, it’s the 30th in the states, so it doesn’t matter. Well, the rest of the first plane ride was pretty cool. It flew over Greenland and Ireland and Canada, the Hudson bay, Atlantic ocean. I tried to sleep, and kind of forced myself to, but I couldn’t at all. Now, it’s 12:00 in the morning, and I’ve been up for 38 hours. But I really don’t feel tired at all, which is pretty weird. At about 2:00 in the morning ( Colorado time ) we had breakfast ( because it was about 10:00 where we were ) And around 4 in the morning ( Colorado time ) we landed.
We got to the British Airways Airport ( BAA ) around noon. Seriously, haven’t they heard of air conditioning?! I was already hot and sweaty. ( reminder for the next time: always bring a change of clothes ) I felt really sweaty and gross. Then we finally boarded our second place ( I ended up losing my jacket. >.< ) it took us about an hour to get from London to Paris. Got off the plane and headed to baggage claim. And, somehow my luggage ended up on the next plane coming in, so I had to go to the house without a change of clothes ( again, bring extra clothes in carry on! ) the dad, Frank, picked me up. Laure ( my host sister ) was with her horse, Ollisco.
So we went to their stables for a few hours. Came to their house ( soon, I’m going to call it home ) =] I was shown around the house. I’m staying in their older sister’s room until Laure’s younger sister goes to Bordeaux to visit their mom, then I’ll share their room with Laure. Marine’s ( the older sister) room is very lovely. We had dinner once I was shown around. ( we had spaghetti and ham ) I felt so bad, because they gave me a full plate, and I could only eat half of it. I then took a shower. And changed into some clothes of theirs. I came into Marine’s room, and wrote my journal entry.
July 1
At 2:30 this morning, I woke up for no reason. >.< I tried to fall back asleep again. I turned on my sides a lot and listened to my iPod trying to. Then at 5:00, I ended up falling asleep again. I didn’t get up until 1:30 in the afternoon. Others had slept in later, but I felt like I shouldn’t have, so I got up. I had the house to myself for awhile. I took pictures of the room, and watched TV. I ended up on the music channel. Laure and Elise came home while I was doing so. They tried to give me clothes to wear to the dance, but my bag came before we went, so I was able to change into my own clothes. While Laure was getting ready, I went on her computer before leaving for about 20 minutes. We walked to her school, where the dance took place. We got there around 7. For the first 20 minutes or so, no one danced at all. ( we believed it was because it was their first school dance. ) Then everyone started warming up and they started to dance. I found it to be really fun. I hung out with the others that came to France with me. There was a band that played a few songs. At around 11:15, the dance ended, and I went home. Their school looks pretty nice. We ate when we got home, then I got ready for bed.
July 2
Woke up around 12:30, I believe. I went down and got some breakfast for myself. I went back upstairs to get changed. I dressed in jeans in my white t-shirt with flowers. My host father, Laure and I went to the college to reserve a spot for Laure for her next school year. Which they start on September 2nd. ( random fact for you ) I saw Buffeigh while her family was reserving a spot as well, so I talked to her while waiting for my family to get done. We went back home, then ate bread with Nutella and milk. Actually, what’s pretty neat is that they put milk into a bowl, ( can make it chocolate milk, as well ) and they eat the bread with Nutella like dipping cookies into the milk. I think I’m going to pick up this habit at home. Laure and I played monopoly. I lost, but then again, playing monopoly in French is complicated, and I hadn’t played monopoly in ages. We then went to the supermarket. My father told me to choose whatever I wanted to have. Whenever I’m told this I never know what do because I barely ever get to do that and I don’t want others to pay for me. But I got some fruit, these small pizzas and éclairs. Which are really good. Another thing that I’ve experience is that they can leave their cart at the other end of the store ( well, they didn’t, but they did leave it ) and no one’ll take it. I was starting to get worried that someone would take it, and I was about to push the cart around for them then I thought “oh, they’ve probably done this a thousand times, I’ll leave it alone” We came home, had some ice cream that we bought at the store. It started to thunder, but no rain for us. We watched ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ in English with French subtitles, we came back upstairs and we went to bed.
July 3
Woke up at 10:30. Went downstairs and ate bread and Nutella. Again. I love it. Came back upstairs, and started to watch TV, and I wrote yesterdays events and will write my thoughts on some things now.
-- It’s hot. Everywhere. But I’m okay with it. Except when I’m trying to sleep. Then I want it cold. I don’t even need the blanket.
-- there’s two Heroes magazine interviews and I can’t stop staring at it. I want them. But can’t take them. XD
-- there’s no ice. Which is horrible because I love ice. But I’m okay with it as well. And the glasses are small. I love experiencing the French ways.
-- I love the music channel. It’s a mix of French and English songs. And I’m liking a lot of them. I haven’t heard any of my all time favourite bands yet except for my iPod.
today, at around 2:15, went to the pool. I thought it to be really fun. The deepest part of the pool that we were in was 2.10 meters. ( almost 7 feet ) I’ve noticed that the French know how to swim well. Aha. The little kids as well. I don’t know how old they were. They seemed to be around 6-10 years old, and they didn’t hesitate at all around jumping around and doing flips into the pool. It was great to see.
-- I want to live in France when I’m older. I love France a lot already. And I haven’t even been to Paris yet. France had a great first impression on me, I think. I want to live here when I can drive though. There was a lot of walking when we went to the pool. I’d do a lot of walking if I lived here, but I’d also like a car as well.
--I love knowing French. Granted, I’d love to be fluent and understand it when everyone speaks fast, but when I do understand it, I love it. I love being in France and seeing/hearing French everyone. I’m going to learn a lot. But I’ll hate it when I‘ll get home and not be able to practice it. >.< I’m actually looking forward to French class this year, because I’ll know more.
-- it’s easier to breathe. Because Pontoise is a lower elevation ( way lower - 3,000 feet to 200 feet at most ) but there’s a lot more humidity.
-- if I live here, I want to be an English teacher. That way, I’ll be able to speak French and not forget English ( like that would happen though ) or, if I can’t live here, I’ll be a French teacher in the states. Just because French/English teacher on my maybe career list, don’t mean I don’t want to go into medicine anymore. I still do, but it’s just a possibility for both.
-- Later in life, I want to have citizen ship here. I’m loving France, and I’ve only been here for four days. Maybe it’s because it’s a new experience, but still, I love it.
-- I’m not liking the 24 hour clock now. I used to hate it and prefer the 12 hour clock. But since they use the 24 hour clock, I switch my watch to that and am getting used to it.
-- I haven’t met Virginie ( my pen pal from the beginning of the last school year ) yet. It saddens me. I have to when I’m here because I’ll so regret it when I leave if I don’t but I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if Virginie is busy or not. I really want to meet her, and this month is my chance. ‘cause I don’t know if/when I’ll be able to come back.
-- I love how small the streets are. It’s just wide enough to fit 2 cars, at most parts. Mainly it can just fit 1. You just have to pay attention if there’s another car coming.
-- not to self: if walking long distances don’t wear flip flips or skirts. I have a blister on my left foot and rashes at hurt a lot on my thighs. It’ll heal soon, but they really hurt. No more skirts unless wearing a pair of shorts or long underwear.
-- I miss hugs. A lot. But I’ve grown to love “la bise” not that my family does it a lot. But I do like it. But *ahem* there’s a certain someone I really want to hug. Anyways…
Right now, I’ve been writing this and watching the music channel while Laure’s watching something on her laptop.
-- which reminds me, I want a laptop. I shall get a job soon after I get home and buy one. That and pay for a trip to France the next few years. Because I know I’ll want to come back. And a bunk bed. I don’t’ care for a cell phone yet. That, and insurance ( or something to that effect ) for the car, so I can finally learn how to drive. Heh.
-- oh! And a guitar and a new keyboard. There’s a lot that I want to buy.
-- I need chapstick *goes to get chapstick*
-- I also love the French windows. When they don’t close by themselves
-- note:
-- I miss LOBH. A lot. But I take pride in the fact that I’ve been on the computer once in 5 days. And it was only for about 20 minutes. It’s great.
-- NCIS was on in French last night. Only got to watch a few seconds because the TV was turned off.
-- I like my handwriting
-- it’s currently 7:19
-- I missed my moms birthday. But I did wish her a happy birthday when I called home the other night.
-- I’m going to miss France when I leave.
-- Laure’s parents are really nice.
-- France smells different ( not bad, different )
-- Caroline rhea! On Sabrina ( which I’m watching at 7:23 ) well, not watching, but I’m trying to translate the French
--you can tell I wear a watch all the time. Because when I take it off there’s a huge difference in skin tones. It’s funny
-- I want to go on the computer.
-- I don’t know what we’re doing tonight
-- my foots asleep.
-- I don’t know when this went to a ‘random facts list’ instead of ‘my-thoughts-on-various-things-in-France-list”
-- I like the commercials in France
After watching TV earlier today, I went downstairs, and Laure, my host parents were outside. I had a minor sunburn from earlier, and they were so worried about me, and were worried that my sunburn hurt, and Laure put Biafine on my arms. I love this family they always make sure I’m comfortable. It’s great and I love it.
We had dinner soon after that. We ate outside like a picnic. Had steak ( cooked to a medium. Not rare or medium rare, but it was still good ) fish in mustard and salad. Which was really good. I helped clean up then went upstairs. I took some pictures from the window. Then I started to watch Chou Chou. And they couldn’t put it into English, and they were worried that I wouldn’t like it. I love this family.
--next summer, I want to host someone from France. Being hosted makes me want host someone. I’ll have to do convincing of my dad. We’ll see what happens.
July 4
woah. It’s independence day back in the states. And I shouldn’t write when I can’t see. My handwriting is all over the place. Today, I woke up and at 11:45, we went downstairs and ate chicken. ( Mexican, because Laure didn’t want the Indian. XD ) salad and apricot pie stuff. Was really good. Came back upstairs, got dressed and watched TV. Sometimes I forget I’m in France. Mainly because of my dreams. When I don’t wake up in the middle of the night. So last night, I had a dream that I had to go back home for few days. And there was a “come back day” where we were supposed to take a plane back to France. And I kept on thinking that I missed it. Then I woke up, thinking I was back home because of my dream. Then I thought “oh! That wasn’t supposed to happen in real life!” then I saw the bed above me. “okay, I’m still in France. Phew.” heh.
--oh, and another thing. Now bugs. Well, there are bugs everywhere, but no bug bites. It’s great! I was afraid that there would be a lot of biting bugs. I’m so glad there isn’t
-- I think I’m going to like the Celsius scale more like I’m lining the 24 hour clock as well. I don’t have much to say now.. More later.
-- I’m going to Paris tomorrow!
-- we walked to the bus stop, and we took the bus to the stables, we stayed there for about 4 hours. Walked again tot the bust stop, took the bus to another bust stop and walked home. Had a coke, then went to McDonalds. Haha. It looks so different from those at home. It seems fancier, for a fast food restaurant. It’s fun. Came back home and ate the food. Came upstairs, wrote more. I’m so amused. And I’m loving France. I lot.
-- WILLOW TREES! ( remembered what I was going to write ) I see them here a lot. It’s great. There’s one in their backyard. I love willow trees
Before bed, we watched Eragon. ( in French ) I need to watch it again when I get home because I love Jeremy irons’ voice and the French voice doesn’t do it justice. Plus I’m thinking I’m going to buy Eragon ( the book ) in French. I want to read it again in English, and I think that the French one will give me a challenge. Went to sleep.
July 5
I might call her to wish her a happy birthday. Or just ask to go on the computer. Anyway, at around 2:30, I woke up ( again - like it has been for the past few nights. ) from a weird dream. In it, I was at this thing that was only supposed to last a week ( like a camp, but it didn’t feel like camp, but I’ll just say camp ) anyway, there was this one guy going around and killing people ( serial killer, really ) and I was running away trying to hide from this killer, then I was at this hideout, and the killer happened to be there as well, and he was going up this weird looking staircase. ( whitish marbled ) and there was this weird theme park ride in it as well. Don’t know why we went on it. Anyways we were on the stair case and the other people I was with ( don’t know who they were - they were just running away from the killer as well ) so we all were on the first floor and the killer was on the 5th floor ( the building had a lot of floors, it felt like ) and I was leaning against a banister, and somehow, it was loose, and by leaning on it, if ell off and made a huge noise. I started running out of the building, because thought the killer was going to come down, so I was running, and there was this guy running after me trying to calm me down, I reached this other hideout. And there was this person who resembled Sylar from Heroes. But it wasn’t him. Anyway. He was on this chair sitting In front of a computer and I barely knew this guy ( actually, not at all ) and I said “ I know this may sound crazy, but can I hold your hand?” so he let me. And then I asked if he had a hidden room where we couldn’t be found by the killer. He did, and we went through a secret door. It led to a balcony, looking out to the Eiffel tower, all lit up because it was night. ( then I woke up at 2:30 )
[/dream telling]
Then I fell asleep again at around 3:00. I had another weird dream ( wasn’t as weird as the serial killer one) so, I was with lee ( from lobh ) and she was on her laptop. I asked if I could go on it, she let me, and somehow I ended up on my bed in a weird inverted mix of my room and marines room. I was on for awhile. And then Jacob and Dylan ( Jacob’s friend. Not from LOBH ) came in and started stealing all my stuff that I had near me. We ended up fighting, while I was trying to protect my stuff and lee’s laptop. I woke up soon after that.
[end second dream]
I woke up at 11:30. I wanted to sleep in later, but I feel weird sleeping in when everyone else is already yup. Heh. So I got up. Changed in to my pants and put eye shadow on, and wrote this.,
-- shoes: well, when we first come into the house, there’s this room just for our shoes. They only walk around the house barefoot or with slippers.
-- water: their drinking water comes from bottles. I assume they can drink from the tap, but they don’t. they also don’t refrigerate the water, and there’s no ice. But the water isn’t warm, it just isn’t cold.
Paris/ the Eiffel tower is awesome! We climbed the stairs to then 2nd floor. On both floors, there are panels with info of the tower as well as buildings around it. On the 2nd floor, there’s a store and stand for ice cream and water. We took the lift to the 3rd floor. All the way at the top. Looked around at the panels then, and took the lift all the way down. Even if there was stairs going up to the 34d floor, one would have to be crazy to take them. It’s just tiring to take the stairs to the 2nd floor. But I’m glad to say I did it. We got home, and ate dinner. We talked about American TV shows in France. They love house. It’s funny. He h. I met their neighbor afterwards. Watched TV, then came upstairs.
--stop signs: say stop and not arête. Heh.
-- doors: my family likes to have them closed. All the time. Even if they’re not in the room. And! There’s doors for the kitchen and the living room. Went on the computer for about and hour. And went to bed.
July 6
Oh geez. France is doing something to my brain. Because my dreams have been the weirdest that I’ve had. Like last night, there was something about fighting over the space between the mirror and a sink between two other girls, I broke that fight up and then a lot of us had to carpool using two cars. The second time around, it was a certain someone, me, Jacob, Alyssa and Janine. All in the backseat. Before in said dream I tried to tell a certain someone that I fancied them, and apparently he couldn’t comprehend it because apparently, there was a quiz we took on Facebook, and we weren’t compatible on that, so I changed his answers, and then he understood. Hah. Then in the car, I moved my left hand under his right hand, so I could hold it. Then I tried putting my fingers through his, but that’s when I woke up on my back, and his hand was the blanket. Dang it! Heh.
Laure and I walked to the pool. At about 14:00,. Met up with a few friends of hers and Jojo was there as well. Swam until about 17:30./then jojo left, and Laure and I went to Camille’s apartment where I met her mom. Laure’s dad picked us up, and we went home. I was great to have jojo with me at the pool while Laure had her friend because I think I was making her bored on Friday and I’m glad I got to speak in English to someone familiar. I love it. We ate when we got home. Watched Didier. And went to bed.
July 7
I’ve spent a week here! I’ve gotten the hang of things. Like how much walking had been done. I’ve realized that listening to my iPod while waling really helps woke up today. At 10:40. Saw Mosique in the sisters room, then I went downstairs and ate break fast. Right now, it’s cloudy and I love it! It’s the coolest it’s been so far. Actually, when I was coming up here, I was wanting it to rain, and the first time it did was when I was in outdoor pool. Haha. I want to rain when I’m a home geez. =D I want to watch Gilmore girls. And I’m missing jeopardy and SYTYCD. Oh well. I’ll see it when I get home.
After eating breakfast, I came upstairs and read the Pontoise magazine and did Sudoku. I love the French pronunciation of my name. I’m going to miss it when I go home. Heh. It’s raining, and it’s cold, and it feels good! I’m loving it a lot! If only it were cold when we are walking somewhere. YAY CLOUDS! I have a tan! Hah! Usually I’m so pale. But my arms are tan! Yay! I have a little figurine of the Eiffel tower! I wanted one when we went there on Sunday, but I didn’t have any euros, but now I have one. I love it and it’s the right size that I wanted as well.
So today, Laure and I pretty much relaxed at home for awhile. I watched TV while she was on the computer. [ah, dinner is smelling really god] I watched the music channel. Michael Jackson videos were played. And some of them were weird. Beat it wasn’t played! Darn. At about 5:00, we went to see Ollisco. Stayed at the stables until about 10:00 came upstairs, and I wrote this., I’m really tired. I’m usually never this tired at him this early. Maybe it’s because I’m getting up earlier and going out and doing things during the day rather than staying home doing nothing. I’m liking it, actually. And I’m loving the way dinner is smelling right now. I’m hungry. And I want my letters from lee, nova, Emily and Mellie. But I wont get them until I go home. So, a week isn’t enough time to stay in France. I haven’t even seen the Champs Elysees ( which I’ll see tomorrow night! ) or the l’arc de triomphe.
I say the way I’m experiencing France for the first time is the way to go! You can’t just come for a few days just to see the Eiffel tower and shop a little, you have to spend more than a week here and experience the French ways up close. Eat authentic French food, hear French, speak French, etc. I f you were with other tourists, they’d speak the same language as you. You have know some french and hear it all around you. My way is the way to go, I say. And I want dinner to be done! It smells good. *sniffs*
Aha! Dinner was good. They were Croque- Monsieurs ( grilled cheese with ham, basically ) I love it. Laure was done before I was, so she went upstairs while I stayed downstairs with the dad and his wife. And she came into the kitchen, looking tired, and the dad asked if she was tired, so she tried saying it in English, and had to ask me how to pronounce it. So I did, and it was amusing to see her try to say “I‘m tired“. She thought it was funny as well. Then I went upstairs and went to bed.
July 8
12:10. Got out of bed at. 11:30. Petted Mosique in marine’s room. Went downstairs, ate bread and Nutella. Came back upstairs. Woah. Realized that I went to write in my notebook, and I didn’t’ have that much to write. Relaxed a little bit at home. Went to see Ollisco. Rode him for a little before falling off. Came home. Relaxed in her room. Did Sudoku. Ate went and waked down the Champs Elysees. It was amazing! I’m so glad I got to see it at night where everything was lit up. Then afterwards, we went to a ‘Quick’ fast food restaurant. Then after coming out, the Eiffel tower was all lit up like a sparkler. Got a few pictures and a video. Came home, and went to bed.
July 9
woke up at 12:00. Laure put Mosique next to me, so I petted him for awhile. Went downstairs and had breakfast. Pretty much did nothing for awhile. 20:25 Ate lunch, then took the bus to a horse supply shop. Walked across the street to a McDonalds. Stayed there for a few hours waiting for Laure’s dad. Had sundaes, coke and fries. Came home. And upstairs.
-- I’ve decided I want to learn Russian. Along with Tamil. Why do I want to learn the languages with different written characters? Maybe they attract me. Because I would love to know them. Maybe there’s classes at the college I’ll go to.
-- I don’t want to leave this house. I like it. A lot. I love the family. I love how small the kitchen is. I love the living/dining room.
-- if I live in France when I’m older, I wouldn’t live in Paris. I think I would in Pontoise.
-- I want a bunk bed. With a laptop.
-- I’m getting something or my birthday. I thought I wouldn’t because France was expensive, but I will.
-- again with the random facts lists.
-- I like the song Laure’s listening to. I don’t know what the title is though.
-- I like eyelashes/ eyes and hands. I love seeing people hold hands. And I love when people are hesitant in trying to hold another’s hand. Plus I like it when two people are walking side by side and their hands brush the other but they’re too hesitant to hold it because thy aren’t sure of what the other will think.
I love showers. a lot. A little while ago, I took one, and after I was done, I combed my hair and stood in front of the open window. And it was great to feel the cooler air like that after it being so warm the first few days I was here. I love the feeling of being clean. I love my hair after a shower. It doesn’t get that oily, but still. I love it when it’s soft rather than smooth. ( because that’s when it’s become more oily )
-- I think ‘ici’ is my favourite French word. I don’t know why. But each time I hear/see it, I like it a lot. Allons-y is Janine’s favourite because of *ahem* Doctor Who. But ici is mine. It’s so simple. I like simple. But I also love complication. I like a lot of things.
-- I really want to talk to a certain someone. But I can’t. and I really want to hold his hand as well.
July 10
Woke up. Worked on a Sudoku. Got dressed, at breakfast. And took the bus to see Ollisco. Stayed for about 4-5 hours. Ate a snack when we got home. Watched TV for a little while. And came upstairs.
--I’m bored. And I’m hungry. And I’m actually cold. I like the fact I need to use a blanket.
-- since I’m bored. I just might go down stairs and watch DPS for the fourth time. Hah. Or I’ll just finish my Sudoku book.
I went downstairs, and watched a little bit more TV. I brought DPS down with me, thinking I would watch it. But then the French versions of family feud and amazing race were on. And CSI new York. Then the dad and the step-mom came home. They and I ate dinner, Laure came down a little while later. I love the step-mo. It’s great when she wants to learn the English pronunciation of a word. And she’ll try to say it, and she’ll laugh because she thinks the way she says it is funny. And then you can tell that she and the dad love each other by the way they look at the other. Like the way I look at a certain someone. I love that look. It makes me smile. A lot. Tonight, I taught the step-mom ‘sparkling’ and ‘water’ and she could say ‘Jacob’ right off the bat. And she wanted to know how old my parents are and she turned to the dad to ask, then he told her to ask me. ‘your parents’ and ‘how old are they’ I love teaching them out to say the English words. I just wish that they would ask me more often. That would make me happy. Oh1 tonight. I tried foie gras. It was better that I thought it would be. I thought it would be disgusting, but I like it. And I drank wine as well. And they gave me the small cake as well. And I also had café au lait. I like it. Ahh.. I don’t want to leave this house on Monday. I like it too much. But then I’ll meet more people and stay with Alexia. And know her way of living. But I’ll mist this family. They’re funny. But I can email them.
July 11
Woke up. Went downstairs. Ate cereal. Laure and her dad came home right as I finished. Went upstairs. Did pretty much nothing. ( worked on my Sudoku. ) went downstairs into the kitchen. Smells like waffles. But I don’t think it is. But it smells good. I get to meet marine today. ( she’s the older sister ) because she comes home today. Woah! I just realized that I turn 16 in a month. Wow. Heh. that’s exciting. And sometimes I’ll know a French phrase well, and when someone says it, I’ll think they said it in English because my brain translated it so quickly.
I AM BORED! I don’t know if I can go downstairs to watch TV because the sofa is still made into a bed. I don’t know where the parents are. There’s strawberries on the kitchen table. I haven’t been on the computer in a week. I’m proud to say that actually. Wow. It’s 2 in the afternoon and all I’ve done is work on Sudoku and eat breakfast.
-I want to go on the computer
-I want my Tamil book. Or a Russian one
-Oi. I’m bored. I want to talk to someone on face book.
-I want to write letters back to those letters I’ll have at home
-I like being in France
-I’m hungry
-I want to charge up my iPod, camera and razor.
-I wish I had inspiration to write a story.
-Maybe ill write a list.
-I’m BORED! I’ve said that 3times.
-My wrist hurts. I’ve sprained it too much.
I hurt my left foot the other day like I have before. For the 4th time.
1= basketball in 8th grade.
2. Falling down the stairs in 7th
3=soccer in 9th grade
4= here in France ( tripped into a small pothole)
Hey, there’s my list.
-I really feel like someone who I know’s birthday is today.
-I don’t want to write ‘I am bored’ again.
Ate dinner ( or something between lunch and dinner, it was around 1 )
Then we went to get marine. I met the uncle, the aunt, the cousins, and the grandparents. It was kind of overwhelming to be around that much French, but I was barely spoken to, so it was good. Had cake there, and came back home. I’m bored again. Don’t know what everyone’s doing at the moment.
It smells like waffles again. I love the smell.
As I said before, I don’t want to leave this house. But maybe it’ll be good.
I’m bored! Once more. 5 times today. Oi. Not cool. Nothing to do.
-- I want to watch Gilmore girls. And eat. I’m hungry.
Shortly after I wrote the last bit, Laure and I listed to music on the laptop while singing along together. It was nice.
Then we went downstairs, and ate strawberry crumble ( that’s why I was smelling waffles! ) it was really good. And had bread with eggs, and pineapple. I called home. And talk to mom for a bit. I came upstairs, and changed into my pjs and brushed my teeth. And who wants to be a millionaire, ncis, and Amazing race were on. I watched a little bit of each. Laure looked through the artists on my iPod. She likes a few of them. Then she went past queen, and then she called dad in. then he was trying to remember the name of the singer, so I said it. Then Laure and the dad started to sing ‘We are the champions’ I found it to be so amusing.
July 12
Woke up before 11 today. Went downstairs and ate cornflakes and bread with jam. Had coffee as well. Went upstairs and on the laptop since Laure was with Ollisco. Then we went to Paris and walked around. We saw the Sacre-Coeur cathedral. We couldn’t take pictures in it though. On the walk down, I went into one of the shops and bough a postcard for Rachel, magnetic for mom, earrings and a bag. Came home, and wrote this. We’re having Raclette tonight.
--I’m so not a tourist here! Because I’m living with a French family, speaking French, and I didn’t came here just to see the monuments. Hah. I win.
-- I love loopholes.
I wrote Rachel in the postcard, because she wanted one. And now, CSI Miami is on. Horatio is my favourite in this one. Mac is my favourite in NY. I don’t know about LV though. And I’m hungry! We’ll eat soon. I’m tired as well. And I would love an ice cream. Or ice.
We went downstairs and ate Raclette. It’s really yummy. There was potatoes, and they don’t eat the skin, so they thought it was weird that I did. There’s potatoes, ham, pickles, sausage, and the cheese. I love it. I hope I can show Raclette to my family when I get home. If not, they’re missing out. You know what… since it’s 6:40, and too early to fall asleep, I’ll go through the french/English dictionary and write down my favourite words. ( that didn’t really last long. I didn’t get past the ‘a’s )
Ah. I leave this house tomorrow around this time. I will miss it. A lot. But I’ll be okay. But I can’t wait to see more of a french experience. Because I’m sure that my next family will have different rituals and such.
Still to early to sleep. I want to do that, because Laure might go see Ollisco in the morning, and I can go on the computer then. Anyways, while we were out earlier. I saw a guy that looked like Sendhil Ramamurthy from the side, therefore, I found him attractive. Heh. And! I want to read a really good marauder fanfiction. And the French can’t pronunciate the ‘th’ in words. It’s funny to hear when they say English words with the ‘th’ sound.
Aha. I can go to sleep soon. So, earlier, I did more Sudoku puzzles. Then I tune on Laure’s TV, and the last 8 minutes of the Dark Crystal was on, but the channel wasn’t getting a signal, so I went downstairs to watch it. Then I wasted some more time watching the TV. Then I had some chocolate milk ( Yay freedom! [/inside joke]) and came upstairs . I haven’t seen marine at all. ( well, I have, a bit ) it seems like she’s been in her room all this time and never comes out. maybe she does when the rest of the family isn’t home. Oi. *brushes teeth* gah. More Sudoku
July 13
12:33. Woke up. Went downstairs, had corn flakes with orange juice. Then went on the computer for awhile. Because Laure isn’t here right now. I have 172 deviations to go through when I get home
14:19 I went on the computer again after seeing that nothing was on the TV. Plus, Laure’s TV doesn’t have a signal right now. Oi. So I charged up my iPod. ( Yay! 1 of 3 done ) read Sarah’s blog, posted a note on Facebook. Laure came home shortly after I went on the computer for the 2nd time. And she seemed bored. So I gave the laptop back to her. I’d rather be bored myself that make others bored. Oi. Sitting in one position too long makes muscles sore. Need to stretch.
15:43. Aha. Laure’s watching the 1st Harry Potter movie in French. Woah. Hp6 comes out on Wednesday. Anyways, I went downstairs to find something to eat, but then the step mom cam and made us food. I had really good strawberries. Omgosh. Were they good. Oh noes. I leave in a few hours to go to Alexia’s house. But I’ll be okay. I love it when my iPod charged. And I really want a marauder fanfic.
I’m tired. Why am I so tired lately? Sheesh. I’ll work on a Sudoku and finish the book so I can start my other one.
12:10 AM
so the move took place. I was about to have a coffee with the dad when Alexia and her mom came to take me to their place. And then we were all downstairs and a I gave Laure her t-shirt and her dad the Colorado coaster and the mini statue of liberty. he appreciated them very much. Then, we went to the girls apartment. Then had a lot of food for dinner. Pizza, salad, fruit, potato/ham salad, chicken. ‘twas a lot of food. Then I had a piece of cake and coffee afterwards. Then after Alexia’s sister, Lele, asked me for my camera to charge it up. Then I realized that my backpack was still at Laure’s house. Which meant I got to see them again ( I’ll get so see them before I leave - YAY! ) win. Anyways, I got my backpack, then we came back to the apartment. And went outside in the yard. It has a slide and one f those rocking chair things. [and omgosh does this family laugh a lot] then we went and saw fireworks. They’re loud, yes, but pretty. And then we came back and got there at around midnight. I’m tired. But we’ll be up for a little longer. I’m okay with it thought. I like this apartment. But oi, how I’ll miss Laure’s house. I miss it already. And the family. But at least I’ll see them again. I’m glad for that. And this family speaks a lot of English. The sister speaks in English to me. The mother as well.
July 14 Happy Bastille day! Well… what can I say? I’ll just go write what we did today. So, I woke up, and I watched the parade on the TV and had breakfast. Then we went to the pool. Came back to the apartment a few hours later. Then I went on the computer for awhile. Then their neighbor came and had us watch her baby. The baby spat up on me. >.< aha. Now I can say that a baby has. Then, myself and the mom went to the dance thing and watched the people there dance. Then we came back and ate. We got these egg rolls from this small Asian shop. Oi. Now I’m missing my first host family. I’ll write a list of all the things I miss on the next page. Because I think it’s going to take a whole page. I miss it that much. T_T I’m not saying this family is worse, I’m just saying I miss the other family immensely.
21:45. Ahh I knew it would take more that page! Oi. There’s a lot that I miss. ( I’ll post it here, if you’d like to read it, but I think it would be boring to someone other than me )
July 15
22:38. Woah this is the first time that I’ve had to write at the end of the day in awhile. So, I woke up around 11:40. And ate breakfast. Then the sister woke up. I watched TV for awhile. Then the mom and I went to the store., then came back to the apartment ( notice how I don’t say home? ) then we all went o a carnival. I WON A REMY FROM A CRANE GAME! YAY! First time I’ve won something from a crane game. I’m happy. Then we went back and had food. And ice cream. Then we watched take., which is good. I love it. Oh! Today, we had croque-monsieurs, and I made a bet to myself that I would like frank’s ( first time I’ve written his name, but it’s faster than writing Laure’s dad all the time, but not faster than needing to explain it ) better than the moms. I did. I miss their home! Gah. And smallville is on right now, but I can’t watch that channel. But fringe and hell’s kitchen will be on in a bit, so I’ll watch that. Before I went to bed, I watched my Lifehouse DVD and the sisters came into the room, when Spin was playing and asked me what I was watching, and I handed them the case. Then you and me came on.
Lele’s reaction: “OH PUTAIN, IL EST BEAU” aha. Then we watched the whole DVD again.
July 16
Woke up around noon. Then got up, and opened the window, and had breakfast. Then watched TV for awhile. After, we went to the pool, again. Honestly, I didn’t want to. But if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to stare at this wonderfully attractive guy. I decided to go watch the people dive into the pool, and he was one of them. I wish that I could speak French fluently, So I could go and talk to him. Because he was really attractive. Heh. Then we came back to the apartment and watched TV. And, without my influence, Alexia put my Lifehouse DVD in a played it. YAY! Go new Lifehouse fans! Aha. Then we had dinner. And then I went on the computer for awhile. I watched TV, then turned the channel onto one that had a scientist show like CSI on. Then I found another person attractive on that. Ha. Geez. Quite honestly, I’m getting bored. Maybe it’s this house. But I kind of do want to go home. Like my mom said. But maybe I wouldn’t want to go home if I were still at my other house. Hmm… I want to see them again. Ah.
I want to charge my iPod. And I think the mom here doesn’t like me. But I don’t care. And I don’t feel the urge to help her like I did my other house.
I’m hearing rain! ( because it’s raining, duh xD ) I’m happy.
Today’s good things:
-saw an attractive guy
-found favourite French TV series.
-it’s raining.
July 17
no! I have only 6 days here left. Because the 23rd isn’t a day at all because I leave in the morning. I woke up today at around 7, because I think the cousins were running up and down the hallway. But I was able to fall asleep again and wake up at 11:40. Then we all had breakfast. 7 people all around a medium sized table is hectic, but fun. And then the aunt had bags to sort though. And organize and everyone was runny around the place, so I just sat back and watched. Then that was sorted through, then it was just me and alexia at the apartment, and we watched TV for awhile. And the rest came back, and we then had lunch. Then we all left, and went to the mom’s aunt’s house then we all left to go to the carnival again. It was fun. And Christopher ( I have no idea what relation he is to the sisters, or how old he is ) kept on asking if I was doing okay, and even today me I’m beautiful. Woah… it’s weird to have a guy pay attention to me like that. And when we were head back to the apartment, he asked if I wanted to ride back in his car. I decided to do so.
July 18
woke up around 12:40. Wow. Oh so close to 1. I hate sleeping in that late. Then I had breakfast. Then alexia and Lele went out and did something with their father. I stayed at the apartment and watched take, again. Only this time it was in French. Good thing I watched it in English the first time because I wouldn’t know what was going on. Then I watched virgin17 afterwards. It was ’dans le mp3 de…” of Calogero. There’s radiohead, coldplay, the cure, the beatles. Now I think we’re supposed to go out and do something, but the mom left, and I don’t know where she is. And I’m tired and I want to go to sleep and have a fantastic dream. Because I’m tired of being awake in this house. I need stimulation. My brain might fall asleep soon because I need to be doing something. I would listen to my iPod but the battery is low again. I’m really tired of being in this apartment. I want to be at the other house. Because it’s Saturday and everyone should be home. I doubt I’m going to meet Virginie, which is really saddening. Oi. I really want to. I love how my thoughts go from one another randomly. I’m tired. I want to listen to Berlin by Christophe Willem again. I enjoy that song. We went to someone else’s house. And we had pizza, and watermelon. Then other people came. Then we all went to the carnival again. 3rd time there. Then Christopher was there, and as we were walking along, he told me he loves me. Okay. It was really flattering to hear, but it was so weird. As he only met me yesterday. I believe that he thinks I’m beautiful, but I don’t really think he loves me. It’s so weird to have someone think of me as beautiful and tell me they love me. O.o
I’m so tired. I can not wait to fall asleep. But I want a shower first., wow. I still can’t get over the fact that Christopher ’loves’ me. Holy crap. And am I sore. My back, my shoulders my arms. How want… oi…
July 19
we pretty much did nothing today. Because I stayed in my pajamas. So Annie, ( the neighbor ) brought her baby over, and we watched her for a while. The baby is really cute. Which makes me want a baby ( not at 16 - that would be crazy. Or 17. Not until I‘m at least 20 ) or to baby-sit. But I hate it when they scream really loudly. >.< which reminds me, I want to make a pet peeves list. ’cause I know I have a lot, but when people ask me what they are, I always forget. Then later in the day, doctor who was on. I only watch about 5 minutes of it because I didn’t understand what was going on. And in the evening, the first Harry potter movie was on. Hogwarts is “poudlard” and the house names are weird. I watched that, and fell asleep afterwards.
July 20
Happy Birthday Mary! Only you’re not going to see that. Aha. We’re going to the pool again today. I don’t want to. But I don’t want to say I don’t want to. So I’ll just suck it up. But you don’t know how happy I am! Guess where I’m going Wednesday and guess who’s taking me to the airport! Yay! I get to see them again!!! And not for just a few hours, but a night and little more in the day! Who! I’m happy! I do love the sisters here though. Bu, oi, the mother. *dislike* but she doesn’t need to know that. Unless she reads this. Her English is pretty good, so I’m sure she’d understand what I’m writing. >.< I’m excited. Not for the pool today though. That place is boring when I don’t have anyone to talk to. Well, there’s alexia and the mom, but I don’t know what to say when I’m with them unless something comes up that I can contribute to, so we’ll see what happens. But there’s a picnic tomorrow. And I go to Laure’s on Wednesday! YAY! I like this place, but I’m thinking I like Laure’s house more. Hmm… I think Wednesday will be my last chance to meet Virginie. But I haven’t gotten an e-mail from her since I last sent her one… I like my handwriting today. Maybe it’s the pen…
18:00 my nails are no clear of all nail polish! Yay! Now I won’t have nail polish on them for awhile because I like them clear. Anyways, we went to the pool. And unfortunately, no attractive guys. Darn. Oh well. The pool wasn’t that bad. Secret story is on again. I don’t get this show. Maybe I would like it if I knew what was going on, but I don’t.
We ate dinner, then Annie brought Anais over for a little while. I held her the most because Alex was using her cell phone and Lele was on the computer which I want to go on. And there’s nothing on the TV to watch right now so I’m writing in my notebook. And I want a hug!! So badly. It’s worse when I’m trying to sleep. I don’t know why though. Maybe because I want to feels someone’s arms around my back/shoulders. I miss hugs. A lot. One of the reasons why I want a certain someone here. Aha. I love how I say a certain someone and not his actual name. I hate when my hands are sweaty. When I’m writing. It makes the pages a all weird. Okay. I’m going to right my pet peeves list. ( If you’d like, I can post that as well, I just don’t feel like typing it up right now )
July 21
I just realized that tonight is my last night here. Because I go over to Laure’s house tomorrow. So today, I woke up around 11:40. Then had breakfast. Then watched the music channel again. Aha. Then came into the room and found the clothes I’m going to ear today. Then wrote in my notebook. And it’s almost 3:00 in the afternoon. Wonder how I can do nothing for hours… and again with the sweaty hands. Dang it. It’s warm today. I need to wash my hands with cold water soon. So they’ll not be sweaty so I can write more comfortably. I can not wait until tomorrow. Well, more tonight, because I like sleeping. So I can’t wait until tonight when I take a shower. And go to bed. But that isn’t until around 10 which is in about 7 hours. I can’t wait to be at their house again. I get to see Mosique again and the day the step mom, Laure. All the rooms. Basically everything I put in my things I’m miss list. Aha. I’m happy. Hmm… maybe I’ll take a shower. Before I get dressed, so u don’t gave to take one tonight. But I’ll take one tomorrow night. My hand is cramping up again. I CAN NOT WAIT. I’ll stop writing now.
Actually, I have nothing to do, so I’ll write. But the problem is, I have nothing to write. Or I don’t know. Alexia’s in the bathroom, so I can go in there just yet. And I don’t know what time the pic nic is. So I’ll probably be taking a shower tonight. And I want to go on the computer but I doubt the mom will let me because I think I’m right in her disliking me. But I don’t care. Cause Laure’s dad adores me. What now? I feel sweaty. I hate feeling sweaty. 21:25. Aha. The pic-nic was good. Well, we got there, and we didn’t se anyone else for awhile. And then we found them. I talked to jojo for awhile. And then we ate. ( which I did with alexia and here mom and Madame ) then, I went and sat with Erin until she got done eating. Then we stood up and talked for awhile. Then Madame came over and told us to see what everyone else was doing, then we talked more while walking. Woah. We talked a lot, actually. I’ve realized that tonight was the first we actually bonded. I mean, we’ve talked at the airports before, and we knew who the other was before. And said hi after school. But we actually, talked. About the guys we find attractive, things about France. It was good. I can now actually call her good friend instead of a good acquaintance. I like it. I always love getting to know someone like that. Then we came back to the apartment. I’m happy. It’s not just because I’m going to Laure’s house again tomorrow. Annie brought over Anais again. Geez, she’s so cute. the mom didn’t let me use the fan. >.< it took me longer to fall asleep.
July 22
oh my goodness. My last day has been pretty good. So I woke yup around 11:30. Wow. Sunlight wakes me up so much more efficiently than artificial light. At least the mom kept the window open to let the air in during the night. Then I had breakfast. The same thing I’ve had for pretty much the last week. Then I watched music videos on virgin17 while the mom was cleaning the whole apartment. Then alexia and Lele said bye to me. Alexia said we’d talk over e-mail. Then the mom took me back to Laure’s house! Laure opened the door. The dad and step mom weren’t home, so we went upstairs to her room. I thought “wow, how I’ve missed this place. I don’t know why I ever left. Oh, that’s right. I’m nice and alexia wanted someone to host. But wow, am I really happy to be in this house one last time.” oh! And another thought. They kept the things the same way I left seeing. Like, my bed still have my covers on it the same way I left it. ) the microwave moved a food over, Haha ) we watched TV in her room for a little while. Then I ate. Then watched TV in the living room. Karma police was playing when Laure turned the TV on. Mosique was in his chair, so I visited him for awhile. I think he missed me. Then Laure and I took the bus to the stables. I’m going to miss that place. It was annoying to go to before, but I’m going to miss it. I enjoyed visiting it again. We stayed there for a few hours. Then ( guess who! ) came and picked up. We were walking to the car and the dad wave to me, so I waved back. He said in the car, but kept is door open so he could ask me how I was doing “tres-bien” I siad “et toi?” “oui, ca-va” then I got into my place in the car. The left seat in the back, as always. How I missed being in that car. Wow. Then we got to Laure’s place. Got out of the car, and the dad tuned back to me held his arms lout like he was going to give me a hug, and gave me la bise. He was really happy to see me again, I think. Then we walked into the house, and I put my shoes in the closets. And then, the dad took two boxes down from the cabinet and said “c’est pour toi” he told me to open them to see what they were
1: a picture frame, with the Eiffel tower
2. Pretty much the same idea with two candle holders.
I wasn’t expecting anything ( well, I was, kind of, but it was something small, such as a bracelet - but not two gifts ) it almost made me cry, honestly. I love the gifts. Then we went downstairs to eat. How I’m going to miss eating dinner here. I’m about to cry writing this, actually. Then we had more apple tart. And had a conversation with Laure and the dad about Harry potter and the different names between the French and English versions. Then we went upstairs. We were going to watch the 3rd Harry potter movie ( hence the hp conversation ) but it didn’t work in Laure’s DVD player. >.< so I took a shower, and wrote in my notebook. I’m so glad I’m back here again, but unfortunately. I leave tomorrow morning. I’m so sad. I don’t want to leave this place. I love it too much. But I’m ready to go home ( I really am a contradiction in myself ) I’m ready to see Neenae ( my dog ) again. Even I missed Mosique after not seeing him after a week. Imagine how I miss my own puppy. Now I’m watching this weird French game show. I was ready to go to sleep, and I turned off the light, and got into the bed. I was lying, on my back, staring at the bed above me, still with my glasses on, then Laure poles her head over the side. And told me that she would leave before I woke up, and said au revoir, then bonne nuit. Then I just started crying because I knew it wouldn’t see her for a long time. And it was just saddening to say goodbye so early.
July 23
Today has been so saddening. So I woke up a little before seven when Laure was getting dressed. I couldn’t fall back asleep, so I went on the computer and sent e-mails and went on face book. Then I went to the bathroom got dressed, and packed everything that I needed. Then I was standing at the top of the stairs, and unknowingly, dad was standing at the bottom, and looked up and said bonjour to me. Then we had breakfast. I had crepes and coffee that he made fore me. =) then went upstairs, and made sure I had everything ready. Then as he was, he pointed to my backpack and gave me a mischievous grin. Then I watched virgin17 for an hour. Then we got ready to leave. We got to the airport about 40 minutes early. So we parked somewhere else, and we sat there fro awhile. Then we went inside the airport. He rolled my suitcase along for me. Then he pretty much said bye as we got to the gathering place.
It took me all of me not to start crying. And I regret not giving him a hug. He told me we still had e-mail to talk and send pictures. I started talking to Erin, because she was standing near where I said bye to the dad. We stood there for a while, then we checked in our bags. Went through customs, then sat down at our gate. There was a virgin17 shop near our gate, so I automatically wanted to buy something. Because I’ve been wanting to buy music this whole trip. I ended up buying Christopher Willem’s CD and a camera case. And as I was checking out, the cashier pointed to my CD and said, “you do know this is in French, right?” “yes” there’s no way I’m going to buy and American CD in France. Ahah. Then Erin and I got food at sandwich stand. Then our plane boarded. I sat by Dannae and Sophia again like the first time. I almost started crying again, looking down at the ground while flying. Then Dannae was talking to me to keep my mind off of that. Then we got to Heathrow’s airport. And went though check in there. We had to take a bus to our plane. We boarded it from the ground, which I found to be quite awesome. I ended up sitting in the middle between jojo and Buffeigh. Buffeigh and I pretty much talked the whole time. And I think we because good friends. It was great. I love talking to someone new like that. We arrived to the airport in Denver. And we all got our bags and went through that. And everyone met up with their families. Which kind of signaled the end of our trip. Oh man, I miss France a whole lot. My family when out to eat. I only wanted a Soda, because I wasn’t hungry. We stayed there for two hours, catching up, and talking about my trip to France.
Time it took to type this up: 4 hours and 9 minutes.
And I type fast.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I'm always happy to help :)
*is Helping Sarah's quest to win the Fiction Family contest and Lee's quest to get the CD*
Fiction Family - When She's Near from ATO Records on Vimeo. |
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