Friday, December 18, 2009


I'm done with the first semester of junior year. and the hardest semester of high school at the high school that I go to. It feels sooooo weird to not have any homework at all. The only thing I have to do over break is to read a book for english class, and nothing else. But it doesn't feel like Christmas break. It just feels like another friday, and we're ready to go back to school on monday. It's a strange feeling. I'm actually bored tonight for the first time in months, and I don't know what to do with myself. I can finally read for fun or watch a movie without feeling guilty about not doing my work.

So, after school today, my mom picked me up and we went shopping in Old Colorado City. While in one of the shops, we found this rack of angel dogs. They were dog figurines with halos above their heads. I thought it was the sweetest idea, and I wanted to have one of an Australian Cattle Dog, which was the breed of Neenae who died a few months ago. They didn't have one though, but I thought it was a really precious idea to have an angel figurine of my dog. Now I really want one, pretty much in rememberance of my puppy. really, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about her. but some nights I miss her more than anything else.

Yesterday, I saw the movie Invictus. I thought it was a brilliant movie. It was well made, and I felt like I understood it a lot. If we weren't learning about Africa the past two weeks, I feel like I would not have understood it. I think everyone should take the time to see it, the storyline is fantastic, and Morgan Freeman portrays Nelson Mandela perfectly.

For our psych final, we were supposed to research a topic of our choice. I decided to do mine on depersonalization disorder. it's where people go through the motions of life without feeling the emotion, as if in a dream or watching themselves in a movie. Does anyone feel like this sometimes? Somedays I do, like I'm running on autopilot and my thoughts run on their own. It would be really scary to have the full on disorder, but I think I get minute cases here and there. I thought depersonalization disorder was really interesting to read about, so I thought I'd share it with you guys.

anyways, I'll find more to write about later.

1 comment:

lee said...

I feel like that alot! Then I snap out of it and I'm like "woah, I just missed a little part of my life." It's creepy.