5. Prom Queen
I absolutely adore episodes that have Kurt and Blaine featured, and this episode has them in it a lot. I liked the scene between Karofsky and Kurt where Karofsky breaks down, and the tension of bullying has gone down significantly. I’m also all for characters in standing up for themselves and showing people they can’t be brought down, which Kurt does. And any Klaine scene is sweet in my opinion.
Blaine and Kurt Dance:

4. New York
First of all, Even though New Directions lost at Nationals, I love that the characters were all in a good mood at the end of the episode, and there wasn’t too much of a cliffhanger as the end of the season. I adored Kurt and Rachel’s performance of For Good. This episode had a good feeling to it overall, making it well light-hearted, which I really enjoyed. And as always, I love my Klaine scenes. I couldn’t help but stare at Blaine’s smitten look at Kurt before he tells Kurt “I love you” and Kurt’s surprise and response. I wasn’t expecting the Sam and Mercedes thing, but I think they’re going to be a more down to earth couple (besides Blaine and Kurt) out of all the couples featured throughout the course of Glee. Though I think they could’ve told Blaine and Kurt about their newfound relationship, as I don’t think they would’ve let slip their relationship to the other club members.

3. Grilled Cheesus
As mentioned earlier, I am more partial to episodes centered around Kurt or Blaine, and this one was all Kurt. I loved Kurt’s performance of I want to hold your hand, and Finn’s performance of Losing My Religion. I still haven’t gotten over the similarities between Chris Colfer and the actor they got to play young Kurt. I ADORED (I really need a new word) those flashback scenes.

2. Funeral
I loved Sue in this episode, just because of how vulnerable she is. I liked that they got to incorporate Willy Wonka into this episode, since that’s a major nostalgia trip for me sometimes. I always liked seeing Sue’s relationship with her sister, and my heart broke for her in this episode. “When you love someone like I loved her, they're a part of you; it’s like you’re attached by this invisible tether and no matter how far away you are, you can always feel them.” I think I actually cried at Jean’s funeral, just because of how sweet Sue’s speech was.

Finally Kurt and Blaine get together!! :D Pretty much the reason why I love this episode, and why it’s number one on this list. I really found the performances of both The Warblers and New Directions at regionals to be lovely. I enjoy both of the original songs that the New Directions performed at regionals. That look… that Blaine gives Kurt as Kurt sings Blackbird… ahhh. :D
“Kurt , there's a moment when you say to yourself: 'Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you forever.' Watching you do Blackbird this week, that was a moment for me. About you. You move me, Kurt. And this duet would just be an excuse to spend more time with you.”

Honorary mention: Never Been Kissed
Because this is the episode where Kurt and Blaine meet, and the Warblers perform Teenage Dream, which I can’t help but picture each time I hear Katy Perry’s version.
Performances I love that were in episodes not mentioned above
6. Rachel’s performance of “What I did for love” from “A Chorus Line” in the episode Audition. This episode aired before I knew who Adam Pascal was, and I only found out that she did the same song that Adam Pascalsang. Maybe I mainly enjoy her performance because I know it from Adam Pascal performing it.
5. New Direction’s performance of the Time Warp in the Rocky Horror Glee Show. Mainly because Kurt was Riff-Raff and portrayed him brilliantly. :D
4. New Direction’s performance of Just the Way You Are in Furt
3. Kurt and Blaine’s duet of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” in “A Very Glee Christmas”
Self-Explanatory, given my obsession with Kurt and Blaine.
2. Mercedes and Rachel’s diva off: “Take me or leave me” from RENT in the episode “Comeback"
This episode aired before I watched RENT for the first time and before my phase with RENT started, so I didn't get to freak out when they originally aired the episode, but I got to when they aired it again. Though I was somewhat upset I couldn't freak out when they did a song from RENT, because it had already been done, I still think that performance is neat. Plus I think it's funny that Idina Menzel played Rachel's mom on Glee, and she was the one to also perform it first in RENT.
1. The Warbler’s performance of “Somewhere only we know” by Keane in the episode “Comeback” :D :D :D Oh my gosh!
Before the Warblers began singing, I thought “Oh, this is going to be a song I barely recognize” then the opening notes started, and I started freaking out, because I love Keane and this song, and I wasn’t expecting it at all, so it was a very nice surprise. I love the way Blaine sings this song, and I especially love the way he sings the second to last “know” of the song. A Klaine kiss would've been nice as their goodbye at the end of the scene, but I think the scene is very lovely as it is now, and I wouldn't change it.
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